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Do Now: Re-arrange the following rules in the correct order:

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Re-arrange the following rules in the correct order:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: Re-arrange the following rules in the correct order:
When finished complete pgs Give any leftover electrons to the central atom. If the species is charged, draw square brackets around it with the charge as a super-script. Arrange the atoms so the least electro-negative atom is in the centre. Hydrogen is always on the outside, as is fluorine. Add-up the total number of valence shell electrons in the species. Add an electron for each negative charge and subtract one for each positive charge. Give each outer atom a full valence shell of electrons. This is usually 8 electrons, but would be 2 for Hydrogen.

2 Shapes Y12 Chemistry

3 Shapes of Molecules The shapes of molecules are determined by the way clouds of electrons are arranged around the central atom in the molecule. Since clouds of electrons are negatively-charged, they repel each other. e- e-

4 O S Electron clouds Electron clouds can be bonding or non-bonding
Non-bonding electron clouds O S Bonding electron clouds

5 Linear One electron cloud
A molecule containing only a single cloud of electrons must be linear. Bond angle = 180o

6 Linear Linear Two electron clouds Bond angle = 180o One lone pair
No lone pairs Linear

7 Linear Bent Three electron clouds Trigonal planar Bond angle = 120o
two lone pairs Linear one lone pair Bent no lone pairs Trigonal planar

8 Four electron clouds Linear Bent Tetrahedral Bond angle = 109o
Three lone pairs Two lone pairs Linear Bent No lone pairs One lone pairs Trigonal pyramidal Tetrahedral

9 Drawing Tetrahedral and Trigonal Pyramids
Both of these have bonds that, if put onto a piece of paper, would not sit flat. They need to be drawn differently. bonds in the plane of the page are drawn as sticks/lines bonds coming toward you (out of the page) are drawn as a wedge bonds going away from you (behind the page) are drawn as a dashed wedge).

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