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The +I+G Models …an aside.

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1 The +I+G Models …an aside

2 Modelling Rate Variation
Not every site in a sequence evolves at the same rate

3 Assign sites to rate categories
Gamma distribution (+G model) 1 Rate categories come from a discrete approximation of the Gamma probability distribution Invariant sites (+I model) 2 Rates are either “No Change” or “Some Change” 1: Yang (1993) 2: Hasegawa, Kishino and Yano (1987)

4 Using both +I and +G Done by Gu et al. in 1995
Estimate a proportion, p0 , of invariable sites Fit the remaining sites to a gamma distribution

5 Criticism “This model is somewhat pathological as the gamma distribution with α ≤ 1 already allows for sites with very low rates; […] adding a proportion of invariable sites creates a strong correlation between p0 and α, making it impossible to estimate both parameters reliably” Ziheng Yang, Computational Molecular Evolution (2006)

6 Identifiability Sullivan et al. (1999)

7 Theoretical Justification
PROOF! (2001)

8 Theoretical Justification
DISPROOF! (2001) (2008)

9 Theoretical Justification
PROOF! (again) (2001) (2011)

10 Theoretical Justification
PROOF! (again) (2001) (2011) +I+G is proved to work under a continuous Gamma distribution All implementations use discrete approximations to the Gamma It is not clear if +I+G is identifiable under the approximation

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