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Presentation on theme: "FRENCH REVOLUTION JEOPARDY"— Presentation transcript:


2 Outbreak of Revolution Constitutions of the Revolution
Enlightenment Marie and Louis The 3 Estates Financial Problems Outbreak of Revolution Constitutions of the Revolution 100 200 300 400 500

3 Small published works that spread the ideas of the Enlightenment
Answer: What are pamphlets?

4 A place where intellectuals met to discuss their views
Answer: What is the Salon?

5 Answer: Who are the Philosophes?
A term given to anyone who approached their studies with the underlying notion of reason Answer: Who are the Philosophes?

6 “Man is born free but is everywhere in chains”- famous words by:
Answer: Who is Jean Jacques Rousseau?

7 An Enlightenment philosopher who criticized the Catholic Church
Answer: Who is Francois-Marie Arouet de Voltaire?

8 Answer: What is “Madame Deficit”?
Marie Antoinette gained this title from driving France deeper into debt Answer: What is “Madame Deficit”?

9 Answer: What is consummate their marriage?
Louis and Marie did not do this fast enough according to the rest of the Court Answer: What is consummate their marriage?

10 She devised a plan to purchase a diamond necklace
Answer: Who is Countess de LaMotte?

11 Marie Antoinette did not want to acknowledge this women
Answer: Who is Madame Du Barry?

12 Answer: Who is Count Axel von Freson?
This handsome Swede is suspected to have had an affair with Marie Antoinette Answer: Who is Count Axel von Freson?

13 Louis XVI unwillingly called the meeting of this group
Answer: What is the Estates General?

14 The Bourgeoisie and the poor made up this group
Answer: What is the Third Estate?

15 What is the Third Estate? was his famous question
Answer: Who is Abbé Sieyes?

16 Answer: What is the First Estate?
They were given the option of paying an optional tax or gift to the King Answer: What is the First Estate?

17 This voting method would ensure that the King would have his way
Answer: What is “vote by order”?

18 An extravagant farm where Marie Antoinette spent her time
Answer: What is the Petit Trianon?

19 This group owned 10% of the land in France prior to the Revolution
Answer: Who is the clergy?

20 The paper money that circulated during the Revolution
Answer: What are assignats?

21 By 1789, nearly half of France’s yearly income is spent on this
Answer: What is paying off the interest on France’s debt?

22 Answer: What is patriotic tax?
An optional tax put out by the National Assembly where one would give 25% of their income over 3 years Answer: What is patriotic tax?

23 This storming event is often regard as the beginning of the Revolution
Answer: What is the Storming of the Bastille

24 Women take action in October of 1789
Answer: What is the March on Versailles?

25 The Monarchy is forced from Versailles and are taken to this palace
Answer: What is the Tuileries Palace?

26 Answer: What is the Great Fear?
This is a time where peasants react in fear of their land being taken away Answer: What is the Great Fear?

27 The royal family is captured here when they try to flee the country
Answer: What is Varennes?

28 Answer: Who is Marquis de Lafayette?
He drafts a large portion of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen Answer: Who is Marquis de Lafayette?

29 It is here that the National Assembly agrees to draft a constitution
Answer: Where is a Tennis Court?

30 Answer: Who are Refractionary Priests?
Shorty after the Civil Constitution of the Clergy is created, priests who do not swear oath to the state are labelled this Answer: Who are Refractionary Priests?

31 Answer: What are “active” and “passive” citizens?
DAILY DOUBLE!! The first two Constitutions divided the population into these two categories Answer: What are “active” and “passive” citizens?

32 This Constitution was a “still born” constitution
Answer: What is the Constitution of 1793.

33 Answer: Who are Louis Capet and Widow Capet?
Final Jeopardy- These were the new names given to Louis and Marie after they were stripped of their royal status Answer: Who are Louis Capet and Widow Capet?


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