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Personal involvement Workshop Name – Date.

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Presentation on theme: "Personal involvement Workshop Name – Date."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal involvement Workshop Name – Date

2 Pollution prevention measures
‘People and competence’ How to transfer your own awareness into actions? How to transfer your own awareness to others? Photo credits: Ocean Beacons International/ - Illustration credits: Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics

3 Personal involvement workshop
Preparation in pairs (25’) Where do you see the most important role for yourself - what can you do (list at least 3 concrete actions)? How can the crew (officers and ratings) contribute to minimize the impact of their activities? As an officer, prepare a brief (1 min) ‘talk to the crew’ on (one aspect of) ‘sustainable shipping’ to prepare the crew for their responsibilities. Photo credits: ITF

4 Personal involvement workshop
1. Make a list of personal actions (together) 2. Talk to the crew: A volunteer starts a 1-minute talk to the crew (the rest of the group) After every talk, another ‘officer’ takes over and starts his/her talk. The ‘crew’ takes notes: what is good / stimulating / unclear, etc. Evaluation: strong points, lessons learned Photo credits: Ocean Beacons International

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