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Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

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Presentation on theme: "Critical Thinking & Problem Solving"— Presentation transcript:

1 Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

2 Thinking Outside of the Box
What does it mean to “think outside of the box”?

3 What is “The BOX”? “The BOX”
Represents traditional thinking that is based on what is currently acceptable

4 Strategies for Thinking Outside of the Box
Identify the issue/problem Listen attentively and ask questions Look for new, creative ideas Never dismiss a possibility; consider everything

5 Critical Thinking Informed thinking that leads to decision making
What influences how you think?

6 How do you use critical thinking?
Make observations Listen attentively to others Recognize problems Define problems Ask relevant questions Find facts using multiple resources Challenge and examine beliefs Make wise judgments Find valid solutions

7 Problem Solving Define the problem Analyze the problem
Consider different possibilities Find a solution to your problem

8 Dream Vacation Disaster

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