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Creating a Windows Server 2016 Datacenter Virtual machine

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1 Creating a Windows Server 2016 Datacenter Virtual machine
Using a windows Server 2016 ISO & Vmware workstation 12.5

2 If you are unsure about any of these
What is Needed: An installation of VMware Workstation An Disk Image File (.iso) for Windows Server 2016. A computer capable of virtualization If you are unsure about any of these contact either your instructor or any available T-213 Lab Technician for assistance.

3 Open VMware Workstation
Open the latest version of VMware Workstation You can either click on the Icon on your desktop, or you can find the application by typing “vmware workstation” in the windows search window.

4 To begin creating a Virtual Machine
Once the VMware Workstation application is open, Either click on the grey square with the large plus that says ‘Create a New Virtual machine’. OR From the Toolbar, Select File, then select New Virtual Machine…

5 Configuration & Compatibility
By using the Custom (advanced) option, we gain greater control over our Virtual machine Settings. The default option for Virtual Hardware Compatibility is set to the currently running version of Vmware Workstation.

6 Select the Disk Image File (.ISO)
Select ‘ Installer disc Image file (iso): Then use the Browse Button to locate the correct .iso Disk Image File. Highlight and select Open to select the chosen .iso. Once Selected, the file path and file name should now be shown in the File Path Entry field. Select Next…

7 For Easy Installation options choose the following:
Enter a valid windows product key. If a product key is not available, you can proceed without one, but the Windows Installation will need to be manually activated later. If a you do not have a key provided, ask your instructor or a lab technician for assistance acquiring a Product Key through Microsoft Imagine. For Classroom use, the default User Name and Password is technician and Password1 Once the information has been filled in, Press Next..

8 To name your Virtual machine, It helps to use as descriptive a name as possible.
Student Machines in the T-213 Lab usually follow the convention of: Operating System Name (Class ID). You can use the Browse Button to Choose where to store the Virtual Machine. Once the folder is chosen for the virtual machine, Press Next.. For Firmware Type Select: BIOS. Press Next.

9 Processor Configuration
For the Number of Processors select 1 and select 2 cores. This gives a total of 2 processor cores. Select Next. Memory for the Virtual Machine Type in 4096 MB to set the memory to 4 GB of memory.

10 Network Type For network type use the option to Use Bridged networking. I/O Controller Types Use the Recommended I/O controller type LSI Logic SAS Select a Disk Type Select SCSI (Recommended)

11 Select a Disk Select Create a new Virtual Disk. Specify Disk Capacity
Maximum Disk Size should be set to 256 Make sure Allocate all disk space is NOT selected. Select Store Virtual disk as a single file. Specify Disk File Use the default disk file name. Select Next.

12 Ready to Create Virtual Machine
Verify the current hardware settings. Press Finish. If Any changes need to be made to the Hardware setting or additional hardware needs to be made, Select the Button to Customize Hardware. If needed the hardware can be changed later while the virtual machine is powered off.

13 Setting Up Windows Server 2016 for the First Time
The Windows installation will begin to copy the required files and start the installation. Once Done the VM will Reboot automatically. The Virtual machine may reboot several times while installing.

14 After Successfully Installing Windows Server 2016 in a Virtual Machine you can configure the OS to improve compatibility, running from the Workstation in the T213 LAB.

15 Finally, we need to set up static IP addressing
Finally, we need to set up static IP addressing. This is done by right clicking the networking image on the taskbar, then opening network and sharing center. Select the “Ethernet 0” connection.

16 Now, press properties in the status panel, then select IPv4 and press properties again, then put in your appropriate network settings, if in class, these will be provided by your professor. Press OK, and static networking should be set up and ready to go.

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