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Bullying Conflict Resolution Definitions

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Presentation on theme: "Bullying Conflict Resolution Definitions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bullying Conflict Resolution Definitions
Anxiety And Anger Bullying Communication Skills Conflict Resolution Definitions 1pt 1 pt 1 pt 1pt 1 pt 2 pt 2 pt 2pt 2pt 2 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 4 pt 4 pt 4pt 4 pt 4pt 5pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt

2 This technique is done by breathing in for a count of 4, holding for a count of 4 and releasing for a count of 4

3 Deep Breathing

4 Two physical effects Of anger are…

5 Increased Heart Rate Tightened Muscles Clenched Jaw Reddened Cheeks

6 The technique used When relaxing your Whole body, from your Toes to the top of your Head.

7 Muscle Relaxation

8 Everyone deals with anger in
True or False. Everyone deals with anger in The same way.

9 False

10 Name 4 physical effects of anxiety

11 Rapid Heartbeat Shaky Voice/Hands Muscle Tension Sweaty Hands
Eleanor M. Savko 9/13/2018 Rapid Heartbeat Shaky Voice/Hands Muscle Tension Sweaty Hands Butterflies Dry Mouth Difficulty Breathing

12 Hitting, Kicking or Punching are examples of what type of bullying?

13 Physical

14 Bullying involves an imbalance of what?

15 Power or Strength

16 Bullying is a repeated behavior.
True or False. Bullying is a repeated behavior.

17 True

18 Name calling and making threats is an example of what type of bullying?

19 Verbal

20 What are the 4 types of bullying?

21 Verbal Physical Social Cyber

22 What are the two types of communication?

23 Verbal Nonverbal

24 Our tone of voice is an example of which form of communication?

25 Verbal

26 What are 3 examples of nonverbal communication?

27 Mannerisms Facial Expressions Body Positions Hand Gestures

28 What percentage of communication is nonverbal?

29 60%-65%

30 What are 2 skills you can use to avoid misunderstandings?

31 Send the same message both verbally and nonverbally
Be Specific Ask Questions Paraphrase back to the speaker

32 All conflicts begin with a ….

33 Disagreement

34 Talking to the other person is what form of conflict resolution?

35 Negotiation

36 A neutral 3rd party who helps solve a conflict is called a….

37 Mediator

38 Forming an opinion without having firsthand knowledge is called what?

39 Prejudice

40 What does the T.A.L.K strategy stand for?

41 Allow each person to tell their side Let each person ask questions
Take a timeout Allow each person to tell their side Let each person ask questions Keep brainstorming

42 Feeling nervous, stressed, uneasy of apprehensive

43 Anxiety

44 Disagreement in ideas, beliefs or interests.

45 Conflict

46 The act of using words, sounds, signs or behaviors to express your ideas, thoughts or feelings.

47 Communication

48 Failure in communication

49 Misunderstanding

50 Aggressive behavior that involves unwanted, negative actions repeated over time.

51 Bullying

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