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Performance Evaluation Study Antasari-Blok M Elevated Freeway

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1 Performance Evaluation Study Antasari-Blok M Elevated Freeway
Ferdinand Fassa Pembangunan Jaya University Presented in Conference for Civil Engineering Research Networks 2014 Bandung November 2014

2 OUTLINE Introduction Theoretical Review Data Collection Data Analysis
(Problem, Object Of The Research, Research Objective) Theoretical Review Freeway Capacity Travel Speed Level Of Service (LOS) Data Collection Data Analysis Conclusion

3 Problem 1. Introduction Traffic congestion in Jakarta
Motorized Trip In Jabodetabek, Badan Pusat Stastistik, 2010

4 Number of Cars per 1,000 residents
1. Introduction Problem Jakarta Road ratio in Jakarta 6, 2% City Road Ratio Number of Cars per 1,000 residents Jakarta 6.26 % 172 Paris 24 % 380 London 21 % 300 New York 33 % 550 Singapore 12 % 100 Tokyo 22 % 240 Source: MTI, Korps Lantas Polri (Police Traffic Corps), Dishub DKI, Gaikindo, AISI, BPS,

5 Antasari-Blok M Elevated freeway
Southern region north region Antasari Blok M 1. Introduction Research Object Antasari-Blok M Elevated freeway

6 Research Object 1. Introduction (A) Antasari (B) Blok M
elevated freeway

7 Research objective: 1. Introduction
Research objective is to EVALUATE PERFORMANCE of ANTASARI-BLOK M ELEVATED FREEWAY. To frame the research, Four parameters are analyzed to identified the performance (before and after Construction): V/C ratio Speed Travel time and Level of Service

8 2. Theoretical Review Freeway: A divided highway with full control of access and two or more lanes for the exclusive use of traffic in each direction (Highway Capacity Manual,2000) Capacity Maximum hourly rate at which persons or vehicles can be reasonably expected to traverse a point or a uniform segment of a lane or roadway during a given time period, under prevailing roadway, traffic and control conditions.

9 2. Theoretical Review Travel Speed The average space velocity of light vehicles along the freeway segment Level Of Service (LOS) A qualitative measure used to relate the quality of traffic service. LOS is used to analyze the operation of specific locations of highway sections (Chen et al. 2003).

10 Antasari-Blok M Elevated Freeway Cross Section
3. Data Collection length of Antasari-Blok M freeway: North to South is 3.42 km South to North is 4.75km Antasari-Blok M Elevated Freeway Cross Section

11 2. Data Collection Travel speed on arterial road before constrution
Segment Heading North Heading South Morning Evening Pattimura – Iskandarsyah 8-12 Iskandarsyah – Jl. Cipete Jl. Pattimura Jl. Iskandarsyah Jl. Cipete (Source : Kajian DKI Jakarta, 2009)

12 Antasari-Blok M Elevated Freeway Traffic Volume (pcu), March 2014
3. Data Collection Antasari- Blok M Blok M- Antasari Antasari-Blok M Elevated Freeway Traffic Volume (pcu), March 2014

13 3. Data Collection Traffic volume: on arterial road
Antasari-Blok M Elevated Freeway and Arterial road Traffic Volume (in car), March 2014 Traffic volume: on arterial road south to north is 29,934 cars north to south is 29,463 cars traffic volume on on elevated freeway: fsouth to north is 14,505 cars and north to south is 14,152 cars.

14 travel speed on arterial road after Elevated freeway construction
3. Data Collection travel speed on arterial road after Elevated freeway construction Segment Heading North Heading South Morning Evening Pattimura – Iskandarsyah 20-25 20-30 10-15 Iskandarsyah – Jl. Cipete 22-25 20-40 10-20 (Source : Survey by moving car method, 2014) Antasari-Blok M Elevated Freeway and Arterial road Traffic Volume (in car), March 2014 Traffic volume: on arterial road south to north is 29,934 cars north to south is 29,463 cars traffic volume on on elevated freeway: fsouth to north is 14,505 cars and north to south is 14,152 cars.

15 3. Data Collection Travel Speed On Elevated Freeway Construction
Segment Morning Evening North – South - 16-20 South – North 40-60 (Source : Survey by moving car method, 2014)

16 4. Data Analysis on peak hours (in the morning), travel time to the north is 5.13 minutes using maximum (on road sign) speed 40 km/hr. While in the evening travel time to the south reached minutes

17 Actual Speed(Vsp) (km/hr)
4. Data Analysis V/C Ratio analysis Direction Time Traffic Flow (Volume) V/C Ratio Actual Speed(Vsp) (km/hr) Morning (h) (i)= (h)/(d) (j) North (Antasari-Blok M) Mornig 1816 0.39 78 Evening 742 0.16 82 South (Blok M-Antasari) 776 0.17 84 1180 0.26

18 Average passanger car speed (km/hr)
4. Data Analysis Direction Time Capacity (pc/hr/ln) Average passanger car speed (km/hr) LOS Morning (k) (l) (m) North (Antasari-Blok M) Mornig 2300 40 F Evening 38 South (Blok M-Antasari) - 16

19 5. Conclusion The travel speed to the north on the morning (06.00 to 09.00) is 100% faster when used elevated freeway compared with arterial road, while in the evening traffic speed to the south is 20% faster using elevated freeway compared with arterial road. Travel time to the north is 5.13 minutes using maximum (on road sign) speed 40 km/hr. While in the evening travel time to the south reached minutes. But Level of Service for elevated freeway performance the result is F.

20 Thank You

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