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Major Academic Plan (MAP)

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1 Major Academic Plan (MAP)
Associate in Arts BS in Athletic Training (105 credits) Physical Education, Health, and Recreation Department College of Arts, Letters, and Education What will I study? The major welcomes both current and transfer students, and generally requires three years to complete. If specific prerequisites are met, however, the program can be completed within a two-year time frame. Students wishing to be admitted must apply and be accepted in to the Athletic Training Program. Applications are due at the end of the winter quarter. Students in the program will receive formal instruction and clinical practice in development of proficiencies in: risk management and injury prevention, pathology of injuries and illnesses, assessment and evaluation, acute care of injury and illness, pharmacology, therapeutic modalities, therapeutic exercise, general medical conditions and disabilities, nutritional aspects of injury and illness, psychosocial intervention and referral, health care administration, and professional development and responsibilities. Knowledge and Skills The program is based in the sciences of anatomy and physiology, kinesiology and athletic training. The program allows students to incorporate contemporary and traditional techniques and technologies through clinical experiences and to work collaboratively with peers and allied health-care professionals. Classes are taught using lecture, discussion and lots of hands on experiential learning. The hands-on-learning includes classroom laboratories and a hour clinical experience that occurs over the 2 or 3 years of the program. Program Advisor Dr. Garth Babcock 200 PE Building Cheney, WA Department Chair Matthew Chase, Ph.D PE Building, PEC 249 Department Assistant  Colleen Mastel 200 PE Building Cheney, WA 99004 Sample Careers Athletic Trainer

2 AA-DTA Degree Requirements with Suggested Classes that Fulfill EWU Prerequisites/Requirements
LOWER COLUMBIA COLLEGE COURSES E.W.U. COURSE EQUIVALENT COMMUNICATIONS (15 credits) ENGL& 101 English Composition I (5) ENGL 101 College Composition: Exposition and Argument (5) ENGL& 102 English Composition II (5) ENGL 201 College Composition: Analysis, Research, Document (5) QUANTITATIVE/SYMBOLIC REASONING (5 credits) Consult your advisor for course options. HUMANITIES (15 credits) SOCIAL SCIENCES (15 credits) NATURAL SCIENCES (15 credits) BIOL& 170 Human Biology (5) BIOL 232 Human A&P Non-Bio. Majors (5) CHEM& 161 General Chemistry w/Lab I (5) OR CHEM& 121 Intro to Chemistry (5) CHEM 151 General Chemistry (5) OR CHEM 161 General Chemistry for the Health Sciences (5) ELECTIVES (25 credits) BIOL& 241 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 (6) BIOL 233 Human A&P Non-Bio. Majors (5) BIOL& 242 Human Anatomy and Physiology 2 (6) BIOL 234 Human A&P Non-Bio. Majors (5) DIVERSITY (5 credits) See courses listed below labeled “DIV*” The courses listed below transfer to satisfy EWU Graduation Requirements and can be taken before or during the major program Cultural Diversity (one course) ART 206 Arts of the Americas: DIV* (5) CDS 202 Chemical Dependency Counseling with Diverse Populations (3) HIST& 215 Women in U.S. History: DIV* (5) HUM 164 Lifestyles (5) SOC 225 Race and Ethnicity: DIV* (5) International Studies (one course) ENVS 150 Environment and Society: DIV * (5) HIST 205 History of East Asia: DIV* (5) HUM 210 Myths and Rites: DIV* (5) POLS 107 Comparative Government (5) POLS& 203 International Relations (5)

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