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Importance of soft skills in IT Iva Milošová VV064

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Presentation on theme: "Importance of soft skills in IT Iva Milošová VV064"— Presentation transcript:

1 Importance of soft skills in IT Iva Milošová VV064

2 About this presentation
SOFT SKILLS x HARD SKILLS Soft skills in IT Importance of soft skills Suppressing emotions How to develop soft skills Hypersensitive/highly sensitive people

3 SOFT skills x HARD skills
Computer programming Typing speed Proficiency in a foreign language Teamwork Communication Empathy Time management ...

4 Soft skills in IT Sensitivity, suppression
Environment where they can „hide“ behind the LCD screen This and variety of other factors lead to higher probability of dealing with mentally ill people at IT environment

5 Important and problematic soft skills in IT
Communication, public speaking Active listening Empathy and „reading people“, body language Teamwork Diplomacy and negotiation Time management Flexibility, patience Leadership

6 Why is it SO important? team leader/manager/…
has to be able to motivate and coordinate the team has to be able to create „safe“ environment conflict solving, balanced relationships programmer/designer/… work ethics (flexibility x extremes) cooperation with others empathy

7 Otherwise… chaos, disrespect, conflicts, unmanageable people
Consequences: not meeting deadlines, failing projects IT environment requires special approach Everything starts with e-motion.

8 Suppressing emotions Habit of escaping emotions due to the inability to deal with them Usually lack of emotional support from people around -> suppression appears to be the only solution Strict upbringing, traumas Inability to deal with own high sensitivity To provide the feeling of safe work environment, it is the key for pushing boundaries Transparency, honesty and respect

Patience, practice, commitment, decision to be ready to face new challenges and push boundaries Choose those skills you want to develop (preferably one at the time) Specialized seminars Seeking opportunities in your environment to practise on daily basis (+ feedback)

10 On a contrary: Hypersensitive/highly sensitive people
People who tend to be very good at soft skills in general The challenge is … to be able not to use them 24/7  Abnormally sensitive nervous system - to noises, smells, tone of voice, emotions of other people, … Good at reading people, active listening, intuition, telling if someone lies rightaway, artistic and more

11 Hypersensitivity - disadvantages
Really hard to set boundaries (they FEEL the opponents point of view as their own) Hard to say NO in general, pleasing people Usually very shy and not much communicative in a group Sometimes not being able to BE around more people – exhausting Being overwhelmed easily Suppression Other

12 Practical x emotional approach
FINAL THOUGHTS Need for understanding and safe environment Practice and patience Developing relationship with own emotions Balance Practical x emotional approach

13 References Life Lives of others Universal knowledge

14 Thank you. Questions?

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