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Radiative Flavor Violation

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1 Radiative Flavor Violation
SUSY 2010, Bonn Andreas Crivellin TTP Karlsruhe Radiative Flavor Violation

2 Outline: Why radiative mass generation?
The SUSY flavor (CP) problem and the trilinear A-terms Radiative flavor violation in the MSSM Phenomenological consequences: B→sγ Kaon mixing K →πνν Right-handed W-coupling and the determination of Vub. SUSY 2010

3 Radiative mass generation
The smallness of the Yukawa couplings of the first two generations (and the small off-diagonal CKM elements) suggest the idea that these quantities are loop-induced corrections. SM: Weinberg, 1972; SUSY: Buchmüller, Wyler, 1983; Banks 1988; Borzumati, Farrar, Polonsky, Thomas 1998/1999; Ferrandis, Haba 2004; A.C., Ulrich Nierste 2008 SUSY 2010

4 SUSY flavor (CP) problem
The squark mass matrices are not necessarily diagonal (and real) in the same basis as the quark mass matrices. Especially the trilinear A-terms can induce dangerously large flavor-mixing (and complex phases) because they are chirality flipping. Possible solutions: Flavor symmetries Minimal flavor-violation Radiative flavor-vioation SUSY 2010

5 Mass insertion parameterization (L. J. Hall, V. A. Kostelecky and S
Mass insertion parameterization (L.J. Hall, V.A. Kostelecky and S. Raby, Nucl. Phys. B 267 (1986) 415.) off-diagonal element of the squark mass matrix flavor indices 1,2,3 chiralitys L,R Define dimensionless quantity: average squark mass SUSY 2010

6 Chirality-flipping self energy:
Chirally enhanced part: non-decoupling SUSY 2010

7 Finite renormalization by flavor-changing self-energies
Corrections to the Mass: Corrections to the CKM matrix: important two-loop corrections A.C. Jennifer Girrbach 2010 SUSY 2010

8 Radiative mass-generation in the MSSM
The quark masses of the first two generations can be easily generated with small values of Top is too heavy tree-level top Yukawa coupling SUSY 2010

9 The model SU(2)³ flavor-symmetry in the MSSM superpotential: CKM matrix is the unit matrix. Only the third generation Yukawa coupling is different from zero. All other elements are generated radiatively using the trilinear A-terms! SUSY 2010

10 Features of the model Additional flavor symmetries in the superpotential. Explains small masses and mixing angles via a loop-suppression. Minimally flavor-violating with respect to the first two generations. Renormalization group invariant. Deviations from MFV if the third generation is involved. Solves the SUSY CP problem via a mandatory phase alignment. (Phase of μ enters only at two loops) Borzumati, Farrar, Polonsky, Thomas 1999. The SUSY flavor problem reduces to the elements SUSY 2010

11 CKM generation in the down sector:
Constraints from b→sγ. Chirally enhanced corrections must be taken into account. A.C., Ulrich Nierste 2009 less constrained since they contribute to C7‘,C8‘. can explain the CP phase in Bs mixing. (not possible in MFV) SUSY 2010

12 CKM generation in the up sector:
Constraints from Kaon mixing. unconstrained from FCNC processes. can induce a sizable right-handed W coupling. A.C. 2009 SUSY 2010

13 Verifiable predictions for NA62
Effects in K→πνν Verifiable predictions for NA62 SUSY 2010

14 Genuine vertex- correction
Corrections to the left-handed coupling suppressed because the hermitian part of the WFR cancels with the genuine vertex correction. Right-handed coupling not suppressed! SUSY 2010

15 Possible effect in Vub SUSY 2010

16 Effect of a right-handed W-coupling on the determination Vub
inklusive CKM unitarity B→τν B→πlν SUSY 2010

17 Conclusions Radiative generations of light fermion masses and mixing angles solves the SUSY flavour and the SUSY CP Problem. Chirally enhanced corrections must be taken into account in FCNC processes. Constraints from b→sγ and Kaon mixing satisfied for SUSY masses O(1TeV) Large effects in K→πνν possible The MSSM can generate a sizeable right-handed W-coupling. SUSY 2010

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