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St Stephen’s Church Stewardship Sunday 2012 Ed Walker 5 February 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "St Stephen’s Church Stewardship Sunday 2012 Ed Walker 5 February 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 St Stephen’s Church Stewardship Sunday 2012 Ed Walker 5 February 2012

2 What’s next? A gameshow? Some pie charts? ……….a song?

3 Its Stewardship Sunday
Hello St Stephens My Old Friends! I have come to talk to you again. Ed and St Stephens Its Show Time!

4 Its Stewardship Sunday
About the money out and the money in About the year ahead and the year just been

5 Its Stewardship Sunday
About the budget that is planted in my brain This song is so insane!

6 Its that time again. It’s Stewardship Sunday

7 Its Stewardship Sunday
And in the budget I did see Costs increasing by percentage 3

8 Its Stewardship Sunday
10% of all that we receive Goes to those with a greater need

9 Its Stewardship Sunday
But we need more, even in these difficult times And we must have faith

10 That the Lord will provide.
On Stewardship Sunday

11 Its Stewardship Sunday
And in this Church I did [saw]! 100 people, maybe more

12 Its Stewardship Sunday
People of God please give £3 more, That’s every month, and if you can, please give more

13 Its Stewardship Sunday
Those who don’t yet give, please bow your heads and pray What does the Lord have to say?

14 Its that time again. It’s Stewardship Sunday

15 Its Stewardship Sunday
And if you want to give some coin Read our Good Giving Guide on how to join.

16 Its Stewardship Sunday
Giving from your bank or in many other ways Giving from work or on every Sunday

17 Its Stewardship Sunday
How much you give we will treat with confidentiality Its just God and me

18 Please join with us. It’s Stewardship Sunday

19 Its Stewardship Sunday
What should you do now, I hear you ask? Return your form by 4 March

20 Its Stewardship Sunday
We make a difference if we all join in We are small in number but do great things!

21 Its Stewardship Sunday
To walk with Him, we need to show faith by our deeds Your treasurer pleads!

22 Thats the end of my song. This Stewardship Sunday

23 3% £3 Good Giving Guide Return form 4 March Faith in deeds

24 That’s all folks….!

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