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3/30 - Focus As word of the European presence in Southeast Asia spread, China and Japan became increasingly suspicious of European intentions. China.

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Presentation on theme: "3/30 - Focus As word of the European presence in Southeast Asia spread, China and Japan became increasingly suspicious of European intentions. China."— Presentation transcript:

1 3/30 - Focus As word of the European presence in Southeast Asia spread, China and Japan became increasingly suspicious of European intentions. China and Japan saw Europeans as a bad influence on their populations and began to slowly limit contact with the foreigners. Both China and Japan restricted trade with European countries and would not allow Europeans on their soil. Point for Discussion: Why would China and Japan see Europeans as a bad influence? Term to Know: suspicious Critical Lens: Being ethnocentric influenced China’s relationship with Europe.

2 European Encounters in East Asia

3 Europe and China Like Spain and Portugal, the Ming Dynasty supported overseas trade

4 Europe and China After fear of foreign influence, China stops sea exploration

5 Europe and China China viewed European goods inferior - restrict trade
- restricts contact with foreigners - only accept gold and silver in trade - foreigners only allowed in Canton

6 Europe and Korea Due to its location on peninsula, Korea is constantly invaded by Japan and China

7 Europe and Korea Korea isolates itself and becomes known as the Hermit Kingdom due to invasions and Confucianism

8 Europe and Japan Tokugawa Shoguns in Japan did not trust Europeans

9 Europe and Japan Fearing spread of Christianity, Tokugawa isolate Japan

10 Closure Explain why China stops sea exploration?
Illustrate ways the Chinese attempt to limit foreign influence. Describe factors that led to Korean isolationalism. Explain why the Tokugawa fear the spread of Christianity.

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