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Welcome to Year 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 3

2 Year 3 Teachers Osprey Class – Mrs C Kerens Eagle Class – Mrs T Harrison/Miss Hunter Falcon Class – Mrs C Green TA – Mrs Thomson; Mrs Ginger and Mrs Fitch

3 Open Door Policy If you have a query or concern then please let us know. At the end of the day we will be visible out on the playground, dismissing your children. Any notes/ messages please write them in their home school diaries – please tell your child to show us. Make an appointment to see us. First port of call – your child’s class teacher. Laura

4 Year 3 Curriculum Autumn Term 1 Autumn Term 2 Tribal Tales
English – writing for a range of audiences and purposes Place Value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and measurement Science - Light ICT - We are programmers History – Stone Age to Iron Age PSHE – New beginnings RE – How did the Church begin Art – sculpture Language – French PE – Tag Rugby Autumn Term 2 I am a Warrior! English – writing for a range of audiences and purposes Place Value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and measurement Science - Forces and Magnets ICT - We are bug fixers History – Roman Empire PSHE – Getting on and falling out RE – Christmas; why are present given and what might Jesus think Art - Great artists Language – French PE – Dance Spring Term 1 Urban Pioneers English – writing for a range of audiences and purposes Multiplication, division, measurement, fractions, consolidation Science - Rocks ICT We are presenters (Safer Internet Day) Geography – Name and locate countries and cities in the UK PSHE – Going for goals RE – What are important times for Jews DT - How to strengthen complex structures Language - French PE – Gymnastics

5 Year 3 Curriculum Spring Term 2 Summer Term 1 Summer Term 2 Flow
English – writing for a range of audiences and purposes Multiplication, division, measurement, fractions, consolidation Science - Plants ICT – we are network engineers Geography – use maps, atlases and digital computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied, use compasses PSHE – Good to be me RE – What are important times for Jews; Easter – what happened and what matters to most Christians DT – How to strengthen complex structures Language – French PE - Basketball Summer Term 1 Scrumdiddlyumptious English – writing for a range of audiences and purposes Fractions, properties of shape, measurement, statistics Science - Animals (nutrition) ICT – we are communicators) Geography – economic activity including trade links and food distribution PSHE – Relationships RE – Why is praying important for Christians DT – Cooking and nutrition Language – French PE - Athletics Summer Term 2 Gods and Mortals English – writing for a range of audiences and purposes Fractions, properties of shape, measurement, statistics Animals (including humans) ICT – we are opinion pollsters History – Ancient Green PSHE – Changes RE – What is wisdom and how did Jesus change lives DT – use a range of materials and components Language – French PE – Outdoor adventurous activities

6 Trips/Events Autumn Roman Day Summer Cadbury World
Tesco – Farm to Fork Spring Bushy Park

7 Maths Teaching for Mastery for all – no setting/ scaffold learning for pupils needing support with a concept/ extension through questioning Textbooks – using the mastery teaching approach from Singapore, created specifically for children living in the UK. This approach will build on and promote the current Mathematics teaching in the school To find out more about the approach please do come to the Maths Parent Workshop 8th November :45pm or 6:00pm No differentiation Massive investment in textbooks – a lot of money Textbooks/ Singapore model – endorsed by NCETM (National Centre of excellence in the teaching of Mathematics) who were commissioned by the DfE to support teaching of the new mathematics curriculum

8 Home school diary Learning tool for the children in school and at home. Messages to and from your class teacher Signed each week by an adult at home

9 Home Learning Home learning is designed to consolidate or move learning on. It will get progressively harder. We are going to be consulting with all parents regarding home learning over this half term, until then, this is what the home learning will look like. meg

10 Reading Reading every night 30 min
Prompts for adults to support their children Children to choose three questions to answer in their homework book.

11 Spellings Set of spellings
A proportion will be from the spelling pattern learned that week A proportion will be from the end of phase spelling list A proportion will be from the child’s learning Children to use the spellings by putting them into sentences.

12 Maths Building on mental maths strategies.
Adults to write a comment in the homework book reading how your child found this activity.

13 Learning Question A learning question will link to the current learning in the classroom. The children can present this in their home learning books how they choose.

14 Adult Section Please indicate how your child found the home learning so we can address any issues in school.

15 Games takes place on a Tuesday and Friday.
P.E/Games Games takes place on a Tuesday and Friday. Please keep the PE kit in school Monday – Friday in case we have additional PE lessons. Please ensure that your child can remove their own earrings. School Uniform Refer to school dress code Please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school every day. School uniform and equipment must also be named

16 School Lunches Children will choose their meal when they arrive in the morning.

17 Any Questions? We are really looking forward to working with you and your children this year.

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