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The Civil Rights Movement

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1 The Civil Rights Movement

2 Emmett Till 1955: 14 years old from Chicago
Accused of whistling at a white store owner’s wife while visiting grandfather in Mississippi Taken from bed and beaten, eyes gouged out, and drown him by tying a cotton gin fan around his neck

3 Segregation 2 Types: -DeJure Segregation: by law (Jim Crow Laws)
-DeFacto Segregation: done by practice or custom-not by law

4 Martin Luther King Jr. 26 yrs old during Montgomery Bus Boycott
1st President of Southern Christian leadership Conference (SCLC) March on Washington August 1963 -200,000 people -I Have a Dream Speech April 4, 1968 Killed by James Earl Ray on balcony hotel

5 Martin Luther King

6 Malcolm X Became a Black Muslim in prison
Replaced last name with X defied the sign of slavery by taking your owner’s last name Believed non-violence useless

7 Malcolm X Went on pilgrimage to Mecca
Returned and realized Elijah teachings were wrong and switched to non-violence Killed Feb. 21, 1965 by three members of the Nation of Islam while giving a speech

8 Police Tactics Fire Hoses Dogs Clubs Tear Gas

9 SNCC Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee started in North Carolina and then spread -college students of different races Woolworth Sit-In Also participated in Freedom Rides, March on Washington, etc

10 Freedom Riders Bus rides that took students into the South to help African Americans register to vote Many arrested or killed Why was registering to vote dangerous for African Americans?

11 How do You Prevent African American from Voting?
Literacy Test Make it difficult to register Poll Tax Grandfather Clause

12 The Children’s Crusade
Over 1000 students marched in Alabama to city hall in May 1963 Hundreds arrested

13 Birmingham Church Bombing
Sept. 15, 1963: Sunday morning bomb thrown into basement Baptist Church Tension over registering to vote Killed four girls Done by KKK Turning point-seen on color tv in North Not until 2000-two out of four men serve sentences

14 Black Panthers A movement that came from the SNCC when Stokely Carmichael separated from the group in late 1960s Believed nonviolence not working and became a militant group mainly against police brutality

15 Black Power Salute 1968 Mexico City Olympics
John Carlos and Tommie Smith do the Power to the People Salute Stripped of medals only recently returned

16 Selma Marches First on March 7, 1965 also known as “Bloody Sunday”
Second on March 9th The third started on March 23 made it 51 miles Fighting for voting rights

17 Laws that Changed Civil Rights History
Civil Rights Act 1964: -Signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson -Made Jim Crow laws illegal -Can not discriminate in public places, desegregated schools, can not discriminate in jobs, etc. ***Turning Point in the Civil Rights Movement

18 Laws that Changed Civil Rights History
Voting Rights Act 1965: made poll tax and literacy tests illegal & stated can not discriminate against race when voting -Only federal employees can register people to vote not community members 24th Amendment: made poll taxes illegal

19 Loving vs. Virginia 1967 Overthrew Racial Integrity Act 1924
Made restricts on interracial marriage illegal How many of you can now exist?

20 Thurgood Marshall Howard University Law School 1933
Chief Counsel NAACP Lawyer Brown Family Brown vs. Board Education 1967 LBJ appointed him 1st African American Supreme Court Justice Died 1993

21 Laws that Changed Civil Rights Movement
Civil Rights Act 1968: Banned discrimination in housing

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