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The Most Fun You Can Having Keeping Fit!

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1 The Most Fun You Can Having Keeping Fit!
Dragon Boating & Outrigger Canoeing The Most Fun You Can Having Keeping Fit! Season kicks off 1 October with off-season social paddling opportunities now! Picture 20 paddlers in a 14m boat attacking the water an exciting sprint race... this is Dragon Boating! Picture 6 paddlers powering across the ocean in a long distance endurance race... this is Outrigger Canoeing! Contact: Your name Your phone Mens – Womens – Mixed – Social - Competitive Dragon Boating & Outrigger Canoeing The Most Fun You Can Having Keeping Fit! Season kicks off 1 October with off-season social paddling opportunities now! Picture 20 paddlers in a 14m boat attacking the water an exciting sprint race... this is Dragon Boating! Picture 6 paddlers powering across the ocean in a long distance endurance race... this is Outrigger Canoeing! Contact: Your name Your phone Mens – Womens – Mixed – Social - Competitive Dragon Boating & Outrigger Canoeing The Most Fun You Can Having Keeping Fit! Season kicks off 1 October with off-season social paddling opportunities now! Picture 20 paddlers in a 14m boat attacking the water an exciting sprint race... this is Dragon Boating! Picture 6 paddlers powering across the ocean in a long distance endurance race... this is Outrigger Canoeing! Contact: Your name Your phone Mens – Womens – Mixed – Social - Competitive

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