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Presentation on theme: "FOR ASSESSMENT THE WATER QUALITY OF RIVER YAMUNA"— Presentation transcript:

WATER QUALITY INDEX FOR ASSESSMENT THE WATER QUALITY OF RIVER YAMUNA Dr. Jakir Husain Research Officer & In-Charge National River Water Quality Laboratory, Central Water Commission, New Delhi

2 Distribution of Water on Earth

3 Indian River System West flowing rivers - East flowing river -
Himalayan rivers Deccan rivers Coastal rivers Rivers of Inland drainage basin Indus and Ganga-Brahamaputra- Meghna river system West flowing rivers - Narmada & Tapi East flowing river - Brahmani, Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, Cauvery, Pennar Coastal rivers- - Non – perennial river Inland drainage basin - Centered in Western Rajasthan

4 The Yamuna Basin - Basic features
The river Yamuna, a major tributary of river Ganges. Distinguished Independent Segments of River Yamuna Himalayan Segment From origin to Tajewala Barrage (172 kms) Upper Segment Tajewala Barrage to Wazirabad Barrage (224 kms) Delhi Segment Wazirabad Barrage to Okhla Barrage (22 kms) Eutriphicated Segment Okhla Barrage to Chambal Confluence (490 kms) Diluted Segment Chambal Confluence to Ganga Confluence (468 kms)

5 Use of Yamuna River Water
Source: The Yamuna River Basin

6 Water Quality Issues in River Yamuna
High Organic Contents High Nutrients Excessive Presence of Pathogens Accumulation of Pollutants in the Catchment Area Aesthetic Value Reduction in the Quantity of Water Discharges from Sewage Treatment Plants

7 Water Quality Monitoring on River Yamuna
Water Quality Trend & Water Quality Monitoring on River Yamuna The water quality data during the past 12 years ( ) were compiled for twelve monitoring locations at Yamuna River. S. No. Water Quality Site Catchment Area SqKm Latitude Longitude State District 1 Paonta 10769 30°25'31'' 77°35'31'' Himachal Pradesh Simaur 2 Kalanaur 12639 30°04'10'' 77°21'52'' Uttar Pradesh Saharanpur 3 Mawi 15622 29°23'07'' 77°09'16'' Muzaffar Nagar 4 Palla 17324 28°49'46'' 77°13'27'' Delhi North West Delhi 5 Delhi Rly Bridge 18552 28°39'45'' 77°14'48'' North Delhi 6 Mohana 27670 28°14'58'' 77°28'12'' Haryana Faridabad 7 Mathura 47463 27°26'30'' 77°42'54'' 8 Agra (P.G.) 49052 27°15'15'' 78°01'23'' Agra 9 Etawah 98715 26°45'00'' 78°59'00'' 10 Auraiya 261331 26°25'34'' 79°25'00'' 11 Hamirpur 276789 25°57'39'' 80°09'16'' 12 Pratappur 366522 25°21'17'' 81°40'02'' Allahabad

8 Water Quality Standards
Characteristics IS 2296:1992 Designated Best Use A B C D E Dissolved Oxygen (DO)mg/l, min 6 5 4 - Biochemical Oxygen demand (BOD)mg/l, max 2 3 pH value Total dissolved solids, mg/l, max. 500 1,500 2,100 Total hardness (as CaCO3), mg/l, max. 200 Calcium hardness (as CaCO3), mg/l, max. Magnesium hardness (as CaCO3), mg/l, max. Iron (as Fe), mg/l, max. 0.3 0.5 Chloride (as Cl), mg/l, max. 250 600 Sulphates (as SO4), mg/l, max. 400 1,000 Nitrates (as NO3), mg/l, max. 20 50 Fluorides (as F), mg/l, max. 1.5 Iron (as Fe), mg/l, max Electrical conductivity, micromhos/cm, max 2,250 Boron, mg/l, max Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) IS 2296:1992 has recommended the quality standards for designated best uses and these have been used for finding the suitability of river water. On this basis of classification, the natural river water of India has been categorized as – Class – A: Drinking Water Source without conventional treatment but after disinfection; Class – B: Outdoor bathing (Organised); Class – C: Drinking water source after conventional treatment and disinfection; Class – D: Propagation of Wild life and Fisheries; Class – E: Irrigation, Industrial Cooling, Controlled Waste disposal.

9 pH Chambal R. Sind R. Betwa & Ken River

10 Electrical Conductivity
Chambal R. Sind R. Betwa & Ken River

11 Fluoride & Sulphate BIS has recommended an limit of 1.5 mg/L of F for Class A, B & C All the Samples found within the limit in the Yamuna Stretch. The BIS (Bureau of Indian Standard) 2296:1992 has set the limit of sulphate for Class A - Drinking water source without conventional treatment but after disinfections and Class C - Drinking water source with conventional treatment followed by disinfections is 400 mg/L and for Class E - Fisheries and Irrigation, industrial cooling, controlled waste disposal is 1000 mg/L.

12 Chloride Chloride concentration in the river Yamuna ranges from June, 2014 to 466 November, 2012. Chloride concentration of 7 stations (Poanta, Kalanour, Mawi, Palla, Auariya, Hamirpur & Pratappur) are within the Class A and C. Remaining six water quality stations (Polluted Stretch) have chloride concentration above the permissible limit 250 mg/L. All the water quality stations are fit for Class E - Fisheries and Irrigation, industrial cooling, controlled waste disposal. Data shows that water is suitable for irrigation purpose in respect of chloride.

13 Bio-chemical Oxygen Demand

14 At Delhi Delhi the BOD level in the river Yamuna has been in the range 1.38 mg/L during October, 2011 to mg/L during February, 2012. Najafgarh drain carries about 48% of the waste water from Delhi other 9 minor drains contribute 30% wastewater of Delhi and the wastewater of Noida, joins Yamuna River in the downstream of Okhla barrage. Yamuna River received major portion of the total discharge from the 22 major drains of Delhi

15 At Mathura

16 At Agra

17 Agra to Etawah At Agra BOD varies 0.2 to 167 mg/L. The water quality monitoring station located upstream of Agra. At Agra the reason for higher BOD may be contribution of BOD load from Buria Ka Nagla STP and other wastewater discharges, garbage disposal etc. After river location Nizamuddin Bridge, Agra downstream is worst polluted. Agra to Ewawah – example of the selfpurification capacity of the river Yamuna Agra Etawah

18 Dilution Stretch The river is monitored for DO-BOD levels at Auraiya, Hamirpur and Pratappur. It is only after receiving the water from Chambal that the Yamuna gets a respite by reducing BOD levels due to dilution. There is not much industrial activity in the catchment between Etawah and Pratappur. River Yamuna also receives Chambal, Sind, Betwa, Rind and Ken which normally have flows with comparatively low values of BOD and high DO.

19 Water Quality Index A Water Quality Index (WQI) is a useful statistical tool for simplifying, reporting and interpreting complex information obtained regarding water quality. Yamuna Basin has plotted WQ Index by using 12 water quality parameters namely, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, total hardness, calcium hardness, magnesium hardness, total dissolved solids, ammonia, sulphate, nitrate, boron, fluoride, chloride and SAR. The data analysis carried out on the observed data of River Yamuna for the last three years ( ).

20 Water Quality Index Water Quality Index (WQI) Scope (F1) – Number of variables not meeting water quality objectives Frequency (F2) – Number of times the objectives are not met. Amplitude F3) – The extent to which objectives exceeded

21 Water Quality Index Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME), Based on the index values, five classes of water quality were set: excellent, good, fair, marginal and poor. Water Quality Index (WQI)categorization Quality of Water CCME WQI value Description  Excellent 95-100 water quality is protected with a virtual absence of threat or impairment; conditions are very close to natural or pristine levels Good 80-94 water quality is protected with only a minor degree of threat or impairment; conditions rarely depart from natural or desirable levels Fair 65-79 water quality is usually protected, but occasionally threatened or impaired; conditions sometimes depart from natural or desirable levels Marginal 45-64 water quality is frequently threatened or impaired; conditions often depart from natural or desirable levels Poor 0-44 water quality is almost always threatened or impaired; conditions usually depart from natural or desirable levels

22 Water Quality Index Quality of Water CCME - WQI value Excellent 95-100
WQ Site Class - A Class - B Class - C Class -D Class - E M NM Poanta 94 90 95 100 Kalanour 88 91 97 Mawi 85 78 69 62 80 86 71 Palla 65 63 57 81 58 Delhi 50 40 44 39 66 36 29 Mohana 55 45 73 34 32 Mathura 51 42 41 60 Agra 48 56 84 52 Etawah 54 83 Auariya 82 79 72 93 89 Hamirpur 70 75 Pratappur 87 96 74 92 Quality of Water CCME WQI value Excellent 95-100 Good 80-94 Fair 65-79 Marginal 45-64 Poor 0-44

23 Water Quality Index For Class - A
0-44 = Poor ; = Marginal ; = Fair ; = Good ; = Excellent Quality of Water CCME WQI value Excellent 95-100 Good 80-94 Fair 65-79 Marginal 45-64 Poor 0-44 Chambal Sind Betwa & Ken River Yamuna River Segment Monsoon Non-monsoon Upper Segment 94-78 90-65 Delhi Segment 50 40 Eutriphicated Segment 55-58 45-54 Diluted Segment 82-87 78-84

24 Water Quality Index For Class - A
WQ Site Class - A M NM Poanta 95 Kalanour 91 90 Mawi 69 62 Palla 63 57 Delhi 44 39 Mohana 40 Mathura 45 41 Agra 56 Etawah 51 Auariya 79 72 Hamirpur 81 73 Pratappur 82 75

25 Water Quality Index For Class - B
0-44 = Poor ; = Marginal ; = Fair ; = Good ; = Excellent Chambal Sind Betwa & Ken River Quality of Water CCME WQI value Excellent 95-100 Good 80-94 Fair 65-79 Marginal 45-64 Poor 0-44 Yamuna River Segment Monsoon Non-monsoon Upper Segment 95-63 95-57 Delhi Segment 44 39 Eutriphicated Segment 44-57 40-51 Diluted Segment 79-82 72-75

26 Water Quality Index For Class - B
WQ Site Class - A M NM Poanta 94 90 Kalanour 88 Mawi 85 78 Palla 65 Delhi 50 40 Mohana 55 45 Mathura 51 42 Agra 48 Etawah 58 54 Auariya 82 Hamirpur 83 70 Pratappur 87 84

27 Water Quality Index For Class - C
Chambal Sind Betwa & Ken River Quality of Water CCME WQI value Excellent 95-100 Good 80-94 Fair 65-79 Marginal 45-64 Poor 0-44 Yamuna River Segment Monsoon Non-monsoon Upper Segment 100-86 100-81 Delhi Segment 66 57 Eutriphicated Segment 73-83 65-83 Diluted Segment 95-96 93-94

28 Water Quality Index For Class - B
Water Quality Index For Class - C Water Quality Index For Class - B WQ Site Class - A M NM Poanta 100 Kalanour 95 97 Mawi 85 80 Palla 86 81 Delhi 66 57 Mohana 73 65 Mathura 71 60 Agra 84 Etawah 83 Auariya 93 Hamirpur Pratappur 96 94

29 Water Quality Index For Class - D
0-44 = Poor ; = Marginal ; = Fair ; = Good ; = Excellent Chambal Sind Betwa & Ken River Quality of Water CCME WQI value Excellent 95-100 Good 80-94 Fair 65-79 Marginal 45-64 Poor 0-44 Yamuna River Segment Monsoon Non-monsoon Upper Segment 100-80 100-58 Delhi Segment 36 29 Eutriphicated Segment 34-52 32-48 Diluted Segment 89-94 73-74

30 Water Quality Index For Class - B
Water Quality Index For Class - D Water Quality Index For Class - B WQ Site Class - A M NM Poanta 100 Kalanour Mawi 86 71 Palla 80 58 Delhi 36 29 Mohana 34 32 Mathura 39 Agra 52 45 Etawah 48 Auariya 89 73 Hamirpur 84 75 Pratappur 94 74

31 Water Quality Index For Class - E
0-44 = Poor ; = Marginal ; = Fair ; = Good ; = Excellent Chambal Sind Betwa & Ken River Quality of Water CCME WQI value Excellent 95-100 Good 80-94 Fair 65-79 Marginal 45-64 Poor 0-44 Yamuna River Segment Monsoon Non-monsoon Upper Segment 100-95 100-97 Delhi Segment 100 97 Eutriphicated Segment 97-90 100-91 Diluted Segment 97-92 94-94

32 Water Quality Index For Class - B
Water Quality Index For Class - E Water Quality Index For Class - B WQ Site Class - A M NM Poanta 100 Kalanour Mawi 86 71 Palla 80 58 Delhi 36 29 Mohana 34 32 Mathura 39 Agra 52 45 Etawah 48 Auariya 89 73 Hamirpur 84 75 Pratappur 94 74

33 Conclusion Upper stretches of the river Yamuna Origin to Wazirabad (396 km) is not polluted. Some stretches near by Mawi is slightly polluted. It is observed that about 22 km stretch of the river is in bad shape, having poor water quality most of the time, which is below the desired limit (i.e. designated best use). The stretch between Wazirabad and Okhla is the most heavily polluted one, carrying the massive input of wastewater from Delhi. This stretch is characterized by high bacterial population, cloudy appearance, high BOD and strong disagreeable odour – all indicating general depletion of oxygen. Mohana to Agra the BOD level found higher. At Agra upstream the BOD concentration was even higher than Mathura. Agra downstream is worst polluted. At this location BOD ranged from 4 – 43 mg/l. The 210 km long stretch from Agra to the confluence with the Chambal River at Etawah is characterized by self- purification processes of the Agra effluents. The confluence with relatively clean Chambal River is of great value in diluting the pollution load of Yamuna River before it joins the Ganga at Allahabad. 468 km is stretch is not polluted due to tributaries of river Yamuna.

34 What Needs to be done Defensive approaches
Improving the sewerage system Wastewater treatment and management Upgrading the existing sewage treatment plants capacity Proper disposal of (partially) treated sewage Industrial waste water management Improving agriculture practices Solid waste management Planning and zoning of the wastewater outfalls Legislation and fines

35 What Needs to be done Pro-active approaches
Creation of awareness amongst the masses Improving the dilution ratio of the river Artificial and in–stream aeration Increasing the river’s waste assimilative capacity Better use of assimilation capacity Creation of an artificial lake



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