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Club Open Day Saturday 10th October pm

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1 Club Open Day Saturday 10th October 2015 1 - 5pm
Are you a lapsed squash player? A squash player new to the area? Interested in learning a new sport? To find out more come along to the open day. In addition to being able to play some squash there will also be the opportunity to meet existing members, view the club's great facilities, purchase equipment and should you wish to join there is a 15% discount offered on the normal membership fee to those joining on the day. For those wishing to play we can provide rackets so all you need is a pair of trainers. Squash is ... - a game for all seasons - perfect for busy lives - 40 mins a game - great for getting and keeping fit - easy to learn - exciting, absorbing and rewarding. You can find us at a London Road Tunbridge Wells, TN1 1DL (between the old Vale Road Post Office and the Bridge Club). See

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