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Transverse Electromagnetic Waves in Free Space

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1 Transverse Electromagnetic Waves in Free Space

2 “Let there be electricity and magnetism
and there is light” J.C. Maxwell

3 What we know from previous classes?
Oscillating magnetic field generates electric field (Faraday´s law) and vice-versa (modified Ampere´s Law). Reciprocal production of electric and magnetic fields leads to the propogation of EM waves with the speed of light. Question: WAVES?????? How do we show that a wave is obtained?

4 Aim of class today: To derive the EM wave equation

5 Consider an oscillating electric field Ey
x Bz If a charge moves non-uniformly, it radiates z

6 Y This will generate a magnetic field along the z-axis Ey(x+x) Ey(x) C x Z We know that Faraday´s law in the integral form in given as: where C is the rectangle in the XY plane of length l width x, and S is the open surface spanning the contour C

7 Faraday´s law on the contour C
this implies... Keep this is mind...

8 Ampere´s law with displacement current term
Ey x C/ x z Y By(x) By(x+x)

9 Ampere´s law, for the Contour C/
this implies...

10 Using the eq. obtained earlier i.e.,
The EM wave equation Note: Similar Equation can be derived for Bz

11 Electromagnetic waves
for E field for B field

12 In general, electromagnetic waves Where  represents E or B or their components

Author : RICHARD P FEYNMAN, IIT KGP Central Library Class no.  530.4 2. OPTICS Author: EUGENE HECHT Class no. 535/Hec/O

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