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Welcome to your Texas State Organization Headquarters!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to your Texas State Organization Headquarters!"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Virtual Tour of The Texas State Organization Headquarters 2017-2019 Biennium (Short Version)

2 Welcome to your Texas State Organization Headquarters!

3 6220 Campbell Road, Suite 204 in Dallas
became TSO Headquarters in 2006. TSO purchased the office suite on March 10, held a ribbon cutting ceremony on April 1, and hosted an open house on October 15.

4 The brass plates in the gavel case list the TSO presidents since 1929.
In the foyer, visitors sign the register on the campaign table. Above the desk is the Dr. Annie Webb Blanton gavel, which every state president uses at convention. The brass plates in the gavel case list the TSO presidents since 1929. Next to the gavel case is the original charter for The Texas State Organization of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International.

5 In the foyer’s display cabinet is the rose china Dr
In the foyer’s display cabinet is the rose china Dr. Blanton purchased and gave to Dr. Eula Lee Carter for her home in Fort Worth. Dr. Carter was an Honorary TSO Founder, state president , and executive secretary

6 On the left, also displayed in the cabinet:
Dr. Blanton’s mortarboard and tassel, A ceremonies scarf that belonged to Dr. Blanton, and A brass jack-be-nimble candlestick with red glass. In the past, chapter presidents carried these when presented at state conventions. On the right, also on display: A compact owned by DKG Founder Ruby Terrill Lomax, and International pins that belonged to Sarah Tobolowsky, a TSO president, International president, and International Achievement Award recipient.

7 The scene invites visitors to sit and reflect on our heritage.
Also in the foyer are a love seat, two side chairs, rose lamp, and bluebonnet painting. On the hardwood floor is a rose-themed rug. The scene invites visitors to sit and reflect on our heritage.

8 The banner travels to every state convention.
In the hallway hangs the Texas banner. The banner travels to every state convention. At each Southwest Regional Conference, the outgoing and incoming state presidents carry the banner.

9 Immediately on the right from the hallway is a large office two state employees share.
Leesa Cole (photo right) is state treasurer, and Deborah Thomas (photo below) is executive assistant.

10 Note Dr. Blanton’s signature, city, and date. Follow the blue arrow.
On the left down the hallway is the door Jean Webb (first Headquarters Committee chair) rescued for TSO at the estate sale at the home of Dr. Carter and Phyllis Ellis. Miss Ellis was state president and Southwest Regional director She was also state executive secretary Many important DKG members were guests in the home and were invited to sign the door. Note Dr. Blanton’s signature, city, and date. Follow the blue arrow.

11 On the north side of the hallway is a kitchen.
On the other side of the same room are filing cabinets for TSO information and a copy machine.

12 Cheryl Crawford, TSO executive secretary.
Across the hall is the spacious office of Cheryl Crawford, TSO executive secretary.

13 In the hall outside the conference room are two plaques.
One contains the name of each TSO executive secretary/ treasurer and the years and location where she served. The other plaque contains the names of the founding directors and the presidents of the Alpha State Texas Educational Foundation (ASTEF), founded in 2010.

14 Photo below: At the end of the hall is the conference room, an ideal setting for state committee and chapter meetings. Photo above: The conference room cabinets store supplies for day-to-day Headquarters business. Atop the cabinets are pictures of the twelve DKG Founders.

15 TSO member volunteers use the conference room tables to process mail and reports. Below right, Betty Vines and Tish Mulkey volunteer. Below left, volunteers also use the conference room’s computer station and desk to input data and complete other clerical tasks. Here, Mary Gill volunteers.

16 Display cabinets in the conference room hold many valuable items given to TSO over the years, as well as convention minutes and programs, photograph albums, and other items of historical significance.

17 Also in the conference room (and the offices) are paintings such as these of Texas Hill Country bluebonnets, the DKG key pin, and Southwest Texas landscapes, all gifts to TSO. Displays of artwork and historical items change from time to time.

18 Of course, all of the time, we proudly display photos of our DKG Founders.

19 Last, Cheryl welcomes visitors to Annie's Attic
Last, Cheryl welcomes visitors to Annie's Attic. It stores boxes and items not needed until the next convention. Visitors enjoy signing the attic floor.

20 Thank you for visiting your TSO Headquarters!
Members who contributed to the making or the updating of this slide show: Patti Belknap, Joanne Davis, Dr. Vicki T. Davis, Cheryl Crawford, Juanita Harmon, Ruth Hull, Carol McMillan, Diane Moose, Marylin Nease, Jeanette Rhyan, Betty Vines, Jean Webb. Last updated 10/23/17. (Please, send corrections and other HQ information to

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