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Welcome to 8th grade math!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 8th grade math!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 8th grade math!
Miss Coleman & Mrs. Shaughnessy

2 Syllabus Located on my webpage…
You will look at that in more detail during your first assignment! Use my webpage for homework, upcoming assessments, answer keys, to get your parents off your back, resources, etc.

3 Classroom Expectations
Be respectful. We just may be the coolest teachers ever, but there is a line and please don’t cross it. We will have a great year as we maintain respect. Everyone has a voice. Please feel free to ask questions in math. We will have a classroom where each student has a voice and is respected. If you borrow something, please return in! (I spend a lot of money on supplies…) Sign out on my webpage if you will be leaving the classroom.

4 Chromebook expectations
Bring it to every class, every day Only use it when you have permission Close the screen COMPLETELY when you are not using it This is a privilege that will be taken away if abused… I don’t want to babysit you…. Bring headphones: many days are music days!

5 What to bring to class Math Binder We will set these up on Friday
Calculator (math 1 – scientific, math 2 – graphing) Chromebook- CHARGED, with earbuds Pencils with eraser Ruler Correcting utensil to correct bellwork and homework

6 Absent buddy The person sitting next to you.
KNOW THE PERSON’S NAME! Will change every time we change seats Duties Check every day to see if your buddy is absent (look next to you!) When they are absent Take an absent buddy 1/2 sheet from the bin Take one additional handout of everything passed out that day Fill out the form by the end of the period Staple all handouts to the form and put it in the hanging file folders for the current day

7 If you are absent… Go to the hanging folder, look under the day you were absent… READ through the notes  If notes are blank, see a teacher! Don’t forget to turn in anything from the day you were absent!!! If you missed a quiz, test, or exam, see me to schedule a time to make it up. After you have read through the Absent Buddy Form, see me for any clarifying question.

8 homework Please do your homework!
Practice necessary to master a skill/concept Has shown to have a great impact on test scores and overall learning Graded on completion, not accuracy 4- EVERY problem has been attempted- have to SHOW ME you tried! 3- 75% completed 2- 50% completed 1- 25% completed

9 Types of assessments MATH TWO MATH ONE Trimester Exam Unit Exam
Cover each of the units in the trimester No credit for retakes Weighted at 25% of your grade Example: Trimester 1: units one and two MATH ONE Unit Exam Cover each of the units in the common core No credit for retakes Weighted at 25% of your grade Example: Unit 1 Exam: Real numbers and exponents

10 Types of Assessments cont.
MATH ONE Tests Breaks up a unit – multiple tests within the unit Weighted at 40% of your grade MAY RETAKE for a grade Request to Retest form with remediation Example: Unit 1 Tests Rational and irrational numbers Exponents Scientific notation MATH TWO Unit Test Tested over the entire unit Weighted at 40% of your grade MAY RETAKE for a grade Request to Retest form with remediation Example: Unit 1 Test: Expressions, Equations and Inequalities

11 Types of assessments cont.
Quizzes (Similar in both classes) Breaks up test concepts- weekly checkpoints May NOT retake MAY do quiz corrections Weighted at 20% of your grade Example: Converting between fractions and decimals or multi-step equations

12 retests Only applies to tests, not exams or quizzes Criteria
Any test, regardless of your score Fill out “request to retest” form- obtain from me Have to show proof of what you did to improve your understanding After all of this is done, we will agree on a time when you can come in to retest Must retest before the unit exam Retest score will be your final score- even if it’s lower!

13 Quiz corrections Rationale
Everyone has a bad day. I want to give you a chance to earn an average grade, even on a bad day. Criteria Must score lower than a 70% to improve your score May do corrections for scores above 70% but will not improve your grade Your score will only improve up to a 70% I want you to come in prepared to take the quiz, striving for the “A” or “B” Rework every problem where you lost points SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER and staple to the original quiz to turn in. Must be completed before the test

14 Classroom routine Bellwork – usually in bin or written on board.
Check homework Notes/activity/guided practice Independent practice in class Finish homework at home

15 Tour of the room Student Area vs. Teacher Area
Many resources around the room… USE THEM! Weekly & Daily Calendar

16 I am looking forward to a great year with all of you!
Reminders We will set up binders Friday Be sure to have your binder, dividers, chunks of loose leaf and graph paper “Quiz” due Tuesday! I am looking forward to a great year with all of you! WELCOME TO 8th Grade 

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