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By Lorena Modrzynski, Angela Braun, and Conor Hurley

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1 By Lorena Modrzynski, Angela Braun, and Conor Hurley
Greece By Lorena Modrzynski, Angela Braun, and Conor Hurley

2 Geography Mountain Ranges Surrounded by water Mount Olympus Pindus
Aegean Sea Sea of Crete Mediterranean Sea Ionian Sea Long ago, Greece suffered from infertile soil along with droughts. However, today the soil is fertile and crops are abundant. (Thracian Sea) Grecians usually consume three meals a day. They tend to begin with a light breakfast and may have a snack in the early afternoon while Greeks typically consumed smaller breakfasts in the past, they have more recently begun to eat more Americanized meals such as yogurt, cereal, and toast with some type of spread

3 Influences on Culture and Cuisine
Fertile Soil Surrounded by Seas Livestock Vegetation Western Influence

4 Grains Barley Corn Bulgur Rice Semolina Sprouted wheat
Whole wheat berries In ancient Greece, they had excess sheep's milk and feared it would spoil before they could consume it thus leading to their creation of Feta Cheese Yogurt also has a large presence in the Greek diet as it too was created in an effort to make use of excess milk

5 Seafood - Coastal Influence
Grecians consume large amounts of chicken, as well as quail and guinea fowl. Though poultry is a staple in the greek diet, fish is the most typical protein source. This is largely due to the fact that Greece is surrounded by different bodies of water. Grecians consider fish a major food group as their access to this food source is abundant and convenient Most popular seafood consumed are tuna, mullet, bass, halibut, swordfish, anchovies, sardines, shrimp, octopus, squid, and mussels. Fish and shellfish are prepared in a variety of ways, such as, grilled, broiled, baked, added to soups, and even served cold as a side dish

6 Meat & Dairy Primarily: Goats and Sheep
Red meats are usually reserved for special occasions Abundance of milk  feta cheese & yogurt

7 Poultry & Fish Most commonly consumed meats:
Fish > Chicken > Quail > Guinea fowl Abundance of fish & seafood: Tuna Mullet Bass Halibut Swordfish Anchovies Sardines Shrimp Octopus Squid Mussels

8 Popular Vegetables Tomatoes Garlic Onion Spinach Horta (wild greens)
Zucchini Eggplant Peppers

9 Popular Fruits Olives  Oil Apricots Cherries Apples Pears Plums Figs

10 SOURCE: https://www. researchgate

11 Cultural Meal Presentation

12 Thank You! OPA!!

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