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Palmetto Cyber Defense Competition 2018 Enterprise Meeting

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1 Palmetto Cyber Defense Competition 2018 Enterprise Meeting
6 December 2017 Jeff Sweeney PCDC Director Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Atlantic (SSC Atlantic) 59500 Information Systems Security Operations (USN) For PCDC Planning Purposes Only

2 PCDC 2018 PCDC is scheduled for Trident Technical College
Dial-in: (877) , Conf Code: PCDC is scheduled for Trident Technical College On 14/15/16 April 2018 19 Days till Christmas 128 Days till PCDC

3 Planned 2018 Pro Day Participants
Corporate Government NCDOC ? 3rd DoD team? ?

4 Event Staff Teams (Gov’t, Corp partners & military)
Gold Team: competition officials that develop, run, and manage the competition scenario, network and architecture. Includes keeping the network running, developing injects, updating the scoring engine Red Team: penetration testing professionals simulating external hackers attempting to gain unauthorized access to competition teams’ systems. Authorized to perform social engineering and offer deals. May imbed Trojan horses. Blue Teams: These are the competing teams. They will need to display skills in the following areas: Technical skills, Teamwork, Communication, Crisis management, Leadership, Time management. Mentors: Provide training to high school students for 10 weeks prior to the event in areas of Risk Mitigation, Networking, System Administration, Forensics, Firewall/Switches/Routers, Virtualization, etc. One SSC Atlantic mentor is assigned to each high school team during the competition to provide hands-off guidance White team Judges: Monitor teams and enforce rules compliance Gold Team Judges: Score injects and track overall scoring Approximately 100 volunteers donate their time Enterprise Meetings: one in Nov, one 6 Dec & every 2 weeks starting 17 Jan TStatement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (8 June 2017).

5 PCDC 2018 Gold Team Nutanix servers are being delivered. Will solve Server and SANs issues. Tactical displays also delivered to Parsons, Thank you Parsons Shawn Zwach has started working on pizza delivery company software Still accepting ideas for company name. (Palmetto Calzone Delivery Co., Palmetto Pizza Delivery Co?) Considering Hybrid network architecture with on-site components and utilizing Cloud (AWS) for injects delivery pfSense firewall new for 2018

6 PCDC 2018 Will order an additional 50 PCDC mugs for 2018
New this year: PCDC polos for staff (and sponsors?) Other new ideas: PCDC stickers/magnets, Wireless ($15)/wired speakers ($11) for prizes? Open to new ideas for swag, prizes Updated MOA and Roles & Responsibilities drafted between AFCEA and SPAWAR We will be manning the SPAWAR STEM booth for this week’s C5ISR Conference at Convention Center. Brochures completed: Sponsorship Volunteer Slick Sheet Collegiate Pro Day

7 PCDC 2018 Ordering: Augmented Reality – will discuss/demo next
MSDN subscription Augmented Reality license VMware license Augmented Reality – will discuss/demo next week at a meeting with Applings Studio Welcoming Joseph MacKenzie, former 2014 Citadel competitor, and new professional at SPAWAR to the Gold Team this year. SPAWAR/AFCEA meeting scheduled for next week (also: PDFC & CitM) Greg Blackburn, AFCEA PCDC lead is doing a great job contacting returning sponsors. Next brief will have only 2018 sponsors.

8 PCDC 2018 We are currently soliciting offers for 2018 VIP speakers for Sunday and Monday. Bob Miller working on Frank Abagnale again Catering Will continue staff catering, which saved us significant money, but need to identify lead to coordinate. Lot of effort For 2017 all three caterers received very good reviews: Moe’s, Home Team BBQ and La Nortena. Open to other suggestions or can look into repeating. May need portable frig for 2018: ? Did someone say RED Team?

9 2018 Palmetto Digital Forensics Competition (PDFC), Saturday, 14 April
Objective: Solve as many forensic scenarios as possible within the allotted time and accumulate the most points possible Participants were provided access to forensic scenario exercises ranging in difficulty. Each exercise required the participant to utilize different forensic techniques to uncover a designated “flag”. Flags will be unique to each scenario which can range from date/time stamps, hashes, passwords, etc. Started in 2016, expanded to 2 divisions in 2017: High School and Collegiate/Pro Pre-Registration required to guarantee slot, info on PCDC website & Facebook PDFC Lead, Bill Littleton received NISE approval to expand the competition beyond PCDC Over 50 participants in Looking to offer slots to the top 6-15 in CyberPatriot in 2018. Other Options: Using hallways and team competitions TStatement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (8 June 2017).

10 Cyber-In-The Middle – Karen Cooke, Lead
PCDC’s Middle School Program to be held on 14 April by approximately 90 local middle school students on Day 1 of PCDC Held inaugural meeting for 2018 on 29 Nov 2017 at TTC Influencing 7th & 8th graders before they decide on high school track Curriculum will have three - 40 minute modules (reduced by 5 minutes) PCDC Events (Red team, Blue team, Forensics) Computer Deconstruction (and Reconstruction) Intro to Cyber to me modified to be more hands-on/interactive (Ozobots?) One session in morning and another in the afternoon Looking to have more booths from organizations such as Charleston Engineering Joint Council, Civil Air Patrol (cadet programs for youth) on Saturday TStatement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (8 June 2017).

11 High Schools Still looking for additional Blue Team mentors that go out to schools starting in Feb for at least 1.5 hours/week. Can by gov’t or contractor, must have background check. Mentoring starts in early February 152 middle and high school teams registered this year compared to 100 last year. Netlabs available for training New training material Tech Grants: Ozobots? ($60-100) Jimu Robot BuildersBots? ($90): Use the free Jimu Robot App on Apple or Android smart devices to program and control your robot

12 Collegiate Day Will again utilize SECCDC Remote Virtual Qualifier for PCDC collegiate qualifying. Cut off at 33 teams, currently at 20 Registration deadline: 16 February 2018 Qualifier scheduled for 24 February 2018 $300 fee for returning team, $150 fee for new team Teams be assigned a time based on availability. Session 1 (8 AM- 12 PM), Session 2 (1 - 5 PM), Session 3 (6-10 PM) sent to all returning schools, SCSU, Lander, Horry Georgetown Com Col, CCU Will hold two Q&A Sessions in March. Resumes can be sent to AFCEA: Greg Blackburn: , or

13 Pro Day Looking to add additional government team for 2018
Ft. Meade (10th Fleet, NSA) Coast Guard (only 1 IA person in Charleston) AF Cyber (24th Air Force) Army Cyber Other? First come, first serve Returning Diamond/Title sponsor teams get right of first refusal. All have given verbal commitment at this point Will hold one Q&A session in March Will again allow 15 minutes before Red Team attacks

14 PCDC 2017 Team Leads (843-218-3934),
Red (hackers)– Bryan Rhodes ( ) White (judges) – Andrew Osti ( ) Blue (mentors)/High School Coordinator – Dennis Wilson ( ) Gold (network infrastructure)– Clarence Knight ( ) Cyber-in-the-Middle-Karen Cooke ( ) Palmetto Digital Forensics Competition – Bill Littleton ( ),

15 Sponsorship – Contact AFCEA
Point of Contact: Greg Blackburn, AFCEA PCDC Committee Chair TStatement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (8 June 2017).

16 Thanks to our 2017 Corporate Sponsors!

17 Thanks to our 2017 Corporate Sponsors

18 Important Links PCDC Website:
PCDC Facebook: PCDC Twitter: Cyber Patriot: AFCEA: #PCDC

19 PCDC 2018 Primary POCs Jeff Sweeney, SSC Atlantic, PCDC Director
, Scarlette Reid, SSC Atlantic, Collegiate Coordinator, Deputy Director , Scott Bell, SSC Atlantic, PCDC Gold Team Tech Co-Lead, Deputy Director , Payne, Ron, AFCEA Treasurer , Greg Blackburn, AFCEA PCDC Lead, Capt USN (Ret) , Tonya Davis, Trident Technical College , Marcy Hippey, AFCEA President , Dennis Wilson, SPAWAR, Blue Team Mentor Lead, High School Coordinator ,

20 Wrap Up Big Ideas? Innovations? Questions?

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