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QuickBasic Jason Mallory.

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Presentation on theme: "QuickBasic Jason Mallory."— Presentation transcript:

1 QuickBasic Jason Mallory

2 History Released in 1985 Version 2 introduced the IDE in 1986
Version 4.5 released in 1988 QBasic was distributed with DOS 5.0 + BASIC Professional Development System

3 Data Types String Integer Long Integer Single Precision
Double Precision

4 Data Types string$ single! integer% double# long&

5 Data Types string$ single! integer% double# long& DIM name AS type
DIM name(x, y, z, …) AS type

6 Arithmetic, Relational, and Logical Operators
Exponentiation Negation Multiplication Division Modulo Arithmetic Addition Subtraction ^ - * / MOD +

7 Arithmetic, Relational, and Logical Operators
Equal To Greater Than Less Than Not Equal To Less Than or Equal To Greater Than or Equal To = > < <> <= >=

8 Arithmetic, Relational, and Logical Operators
Not And Or Exclusive Or Equivalent Material Implication NOT AND OR XOR EQV IMP

9 Program Structure IF…THEN…ELSE

10 Error Handling SELECT ERR RESUME NEXT Code block … CASE = 1 CASE = 2

11 Evaluation Readability Writability Reliability Cost
English-like syntax Writability Long winded Reliability Interpreter vs. Compiler Cost MSDN Subscription

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