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Chinese Communist Revolution Timeline

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1 Chinese Communist Revolution Timeline

2 Open Door Policy 1899- The US proposed that China opens up their “doors” for merchants of all nations This protected China from being colonized but gave increased influence to western countries in China

3 Boxer Rebellion 1899- The secret society of “harmonious fists” made up of poor farmers and workers attacked foreigners out of resentment of foreign influence The rebellion failed, but ignited nationalism in China- people wanted change

4 1911 Revolution 1911- Sun Yat-Sen leads the Kuomintang (Nationalist Party) and overthrows the Qing dynasty This ends the thousands of years of dynastic rule in China Sun Yat-Sen develops three principles of the people

5 1. Nationalism- Overthrow weak government and unite all Chinese under a strong central government
2. Democracy- Use constitutional government; equality for all and elected officials 3. Livelihood- give fair and equal ownership of land so all chinese live well


7 1916- Nationalist party is unable to control the warlords of China
1917- Chinese fight in WWI on the side of the Allies. The treaty of Versailles rewards Japan with land in China that was held by the Germans

8 1919- May Fourth Movement- violent student protests in China in response to the Treaty of Versailles and Japanese involvement in China 1921- Communist party in China is formed with Mao Zedong as the leader

9 Mao’s goal is to unite China under a strong central government and distribute land equally to all peasants

10 1922- Communists and Nationalists join together to fight the Japanese
1925- Sun Yat-Sen dies and Chaing Kai-Shek becomes the leader of the Nationalist party


12 1927- Shanghai Massacre- Chaing Kai-Shek kill thousands of Communists and form the National Republic of China 1930- Civil War- The Nationalists fail to reform China and the Communists gain supporters 1931- Japan invades Manchuria

13 1934- The Long March- The Nationalists force the Communists to flee 6000 miles, about 70,000 Communists die 1937- Communists and Nationalists join forces to fight the Japanese again


15 1945- Civil war continues after Japan is defeated in WWII
1949- With the support of the peasants and workers, the Communists defeat Chaing Kai-Shek and the Nationalists Nationalists flee to Taiwan creating “two China’s”


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