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The Best Way To Secure U R Self

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Presentation on theme: "The Best Way To Secure U R Self"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Best Way To Secure U R Self
Cyber crimes and self protection The Best Way To Secure U R Self Is To Hack U R Self

2 Cyber crime A crime committed or facilitated via the Internet is a cybercrime. Cybercrime is any criminal activity involving computers and networks. Types: Crimes against individual Crimes against society Crimes against organization Crimes against property

3 First cyber crime The first recorded cyber crime took place in the year 1820! In 1820, Joseph-Marie Jacquard, a textile manufacturer in France, produced the loom. This device allowed the repetition of a series of steps in the weaving of speci al fabrics. This resulted in a fear amongst Jacquard's employees that their traditional employment and livelihood were being threatened. They committed acts of sabotage to discourage Jacquard from further use of the new technology. This is the first recorded cyber crime!

4 Theft Real-world theft: Possession of property shifts completely
from A to B, i.e., A had it now B has it Theft in Virtual-world (Cyber-theft): Property is copied, so A “has” it and so does B

5 Types of attacks Unauthorized access Denial of service attack
Virus, Worms and Trojan attacks Bombing Internet Time Thefts Web Jacking Theft and Physical damage of computer or its peripherals

6 Top online scams The Phishing e-mail scam The Money laundering scam
Greeting card scam A Guaranteed Bank loan or Credit card Scheme Lottery Scam Hit man Scam Romance Scam Fake Antivirus Software Facebook Impersonation Scam Make Money Fast

7 Top online scams

8 List of Cyber Crimes registered in India
Year Head 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Motive 378 201 481 422 459 464 682 1322 2213 3477 5693 Suspect 296 191 363 IPC 738 411 279 302 311 339 176 276 356 601 1337 IT-Act 70 60 68 179 142 217 288 420 966 1791 2876 4356 TOTAL 1482 863 347 1443 1297 1378 1392 2060 3966 6639 10431 17079

9 Self Protection Phishing and spam Mail identification Antivirus
Password Website URL

10 Phishing and spam mail Identification

11 Antivirus Purchase a genuine Anti Virus
The antivirus should have Internet Security Update the Antivirus regularly. Never Allow files like Trojan.exe/ Worm.exe

12 Website URL Use always Https:// instead of Http://
Never Save Password for quick access.

13 Password Set a Unique password for different sites/ Logins.
Password should be combination of Alphanumeric and Special Characters. Use different security answer for different questions.

14 SQL injection SQL- Structured Query language.
SQL is a computer language that you use to interact with a database. Database is collection of data. SQL is a tool for organizing, managing, and retrieving data stored by a computer database.

15 Hacking a website using SQL injection
Step 1: Finding Vulnerable Website Step 2: Checking the Vulnerability Step 3: Finding Number of columns Step 4: Displaying the Vulnerable columns Step 5: Finding version, database, user Step 6: Finding the Table Name Step 7: Finding the Column Name Step 8: Finding the Admin Panel


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