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What is an Almanac?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is an Almanac?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is an Almanac?

2 Almanacs contain…….. Facts about weather Facts about people and sports
Facts about planets Facts about important days Facts about Inventions Facts about cities and countries Facts Facts Facts Facts Facts Facts Facts Facts About all sorts of interesting things……..!!!!!!!!!! In Greek Mythology, Atlas was given the task of standing on the Earth and holding the sky in place.

3 What an Almanac WILL tell you
Who? What? Where? How many?

4 What an Almanac will NOT tell you…
How Why Different atlas’ types contain kinds of maps.

5 Finding your Almanac topic
Table of Contents Look in the at the beginning of the book How are the topics ordered? Look in the Index in the back of the book In the Index, Subtopics are listed under Main topics Look for the bold print! The topics in the Table of Contents are ordered alphabetically. In the Index, there are two kinds of information. Main sections appear in boldface type. These are the same as the topics listed in the Table of Contents. Subtopics are listed under main topics. The subtopics help you to narrow your search for more specific information.

6 Table of Contents The Table of Contents organizes topics, but not always alphabetically.

7 Index The Index page has main topics in bold print. The bold print are the Main ideas that were listed in the Table of contents. Notice that subtopics are indented under the main topics.

8 How to use an Atlas Find your main topic from the Table of Contents
Choose the subtopic that narrows your search and has the information you need Use the Index if you can’t narrow your main topic or subtopic Make sure that your facts are written accurately! Now it is your turn to use an almanac!

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