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State Mining Administration

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1 State Mining Administration
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. May I welcome you to the State Mining Admnistration. Let me introduce myself. My name is Bohuslav Machek, and I am the central inspector of mine from the Czech Mining Authority. The Czech Mining Authority in Prague, is the central body of the State Mining Administration of the Czech Republic. I’d like to give you an short overview of activity of the State Mining Administration. Bohuslav MACHEK, central inspector of mine Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, September 11-14, 2017

2 CONTENT Czech Mining History Organization of State Administration
State Mining Administration Situation in Safety in the Czech Mining I’ll focus on 4 main points. Let me begin with Czech Mining History I’ll move on to organization of State administration. My third point will be about the State Mining Administration. The purpose of this presentation is to provide information on the legal arrangements for permitting mining of reserved mineral deposits. Finally, I ‘d like to information about the situation in safety and health in the Czech Mining.

3 Czech mining history 1300 1556 Ius Regale Montanorum
I'd like to start by Czech mining history. Czech Mining is proud of two written documents, as you can see on this picture. The State Mining Administration is the oldest historically documented state institution active within the Czech Republic. Looking into the past will bring us at least into the seventies of the last century, to be exact into the year 1871, when the modern structure of mining offices. Mining activities began with the gold and silver in the 13th century. 1300 Ius Regale Montanorum 1556 De Re Matallica Libri XII

4 Organization of state administration
Government of the Czech Republic 14 Ministries 11 Ministry-level governmental bodies Parliament of the Czech Republic Senate Chamber of Deputies Now let’s take a look at organization of state administration. The pisture shows the residence of the President of the Czech Republic. The president is a head of state. The bicameral Parliament of the Czech Republic is the supreme and sole legislative body.  State Mining Authority is a central body for health and safety in mining. The Chairman of the Czech Mining Authority and the State Mining administration is appointed and relieved by the Government of the Czech Republic. The Czech Mining Authority is established  by the Act No. 2/1969 Coll., Establishment of ministries and other central state administration bodies of the Czech Republic.

5 The main activities of the State Mining Administration
ADMINISTRATIVE authority EU legislation mining mining waste explosives precursors of explosives verification of knowledge people SUPERVISORY authority protection of mineral resources handling of explosives health and safety at work, safety of technical equipment, working conditions in organizations TAX authority extracted mineral area of the mining area Let’s have a look at the main activities of the State Mining Administration The State Mining Administration perform the following obligations: • by laws, • and by the Czech government. Areas of performance: mining activities, handling explosives, authorization and supervision of the disposal of mining waste, oversight of work safety in underground construction, supervision of the safe condition of the underground objects, the performance of another building authority, mutual recognition of qualification, technical installations in some activities, and more.

6 Czech Mining Authority
Now let’s move on to The Czech Mining Authority in Prague. The picture shows the building of the Czech Mining Authority in the center of Prague. The Czech Mining Authority is the central body of the State Mining Administration of the Czech Republic. The organization and scope of activities of the State Mining Administration is mainly governed by these laws: Act No. 44/1988 Coll., on the prevention and utilization of mineral resources (Mining Act). Act No. 61/ 1988 Coll., on minig activities, explosives and the state mining administration. Act No. 157/2009 Coll. on mining waste management and on amendments to some laws. Act No. 146/2010 Coll., setting up a system for the identification and traceability of explosives for civil uses. Act No. 90/2016 Coll., on Assessment of Conformity of Certain Products when Delivering on the Market.

7 District Mining Authority
Germany Poland Administratively, the Czech Republic is divided into 14 self-governing regions. The competence of eight district mining authorities is marked with color. Germany Slovakia Austria

8 Distribution of employees of the State Mining Administration
194 CZECH MINING AUTHORITY 22 inspectors of mine 8 lawyers 34 administrative and manual workers 8 DISTRICT MINING AUTHORITIES 82 inspectors of mine 3 lawyers 45 administrative and manual workers According to the systemization for the year 2017 the State Mining Administration employs a total of 194 professional, administrative and manual workers. Distribution of employees of the State Mining Administration shows organisational chart.

9 of the technical employees knowledge of the ragulations
Inspector of mine is authorized TO issue binding orders of the technical employees knowledge of the ragulations find out causes and consequences of serious operating mishaps (accidents) The most important person in the State Mining Administration is a mining inspector. Let’s have a look at the autorization of Mining Inspector. Except others, an inspector of mines is authorized to withold certification of professional competence issued by a body of the state mining administration in cases of gross or repeated infringement of regulations for securing of safety and health protection at work and safety of operation.

10 Administrative authority
permitting the mining area permitting mining construction permitting permitting blasting OK, now we’ll go on to talk about the most important activities of the State Mining Administration - permitting the mining of reserved minerals Permits must be preceded by Certified reserved minerals protected in a protected deposit area and specified in a land use plan. In the procedure on issuing a permit for mining activities, the District Mining Authority shall examine the completeness of the maps and documents, dealing with the interests of society protected pursuant to the special regulations. compliance with the principles of mining technology in ensuring rational utilization of the reserve deposit. territorial decision for the loc. of mining waste approval of funds for remediation and mine damage permitting mining waste

11 Situation in Safety in mines
Now I'll come to my last point. Let’s have a look at the fluctuating line of number of fatal accidents in the Czech mining. I believe the last broken line leads to the number of zero fatal accidents.

12 SUMMARY More than 750 years of historical development of mining law and mining administration. Maintaining independence, competence and respect. Ensure unified licensing and control activities. Communicative, objective, rigorous, but fair. I’d like to finish summary. We are very proud of more than 750 years of historical development of mining law and mining administration. We want to maintain independence, competence and respect in the organization of state administration Our goal is to maintain unified licenses and control activities. We want to communicate with all mining organizations, be objective, rigorous, but fair.

13 Thank you! Thank you for your attention.

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