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**Remember to wear tennis shoes on P.E. days**

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1 **Remember to wear tennis shoes on P.E. days**
A Peek At The Week -In reading we are continuing to switch to our leveled reading groups. -During math we will continue to work on subtraction problems. Students will learn how to use a picture number bond to help them solve the problem. During independent time students will continue mastering 1 more and 1 less of a given number! -Writing time will be used on writing a story about our feelings. Students will write a draft and then we will practice adding more details in our writing and illustrations. We will also introduce the idea of speech bubbles in illustrations. -Our Core Knowledge time will be spent finishing up our unit on Ancient Civilizations. This week students will learn about Hatshepsut and King Tut from Ancient Egypt. Homework Ideas -Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays - reading homework -Tuesdays and Thursdays - math homework Reminders Fall is here! Please send your kiddo to school with a jacket for that cold morning recess and those chilly afternoons. Looking Ahead -October 31st: Halloween Parties 2-3pm -November 3rd: Picture Retakes -November 10th: Twin Day Mrs. Hawkins’ First Grade News October 30th, 2017 Extra News Students may dress up for Halloween, but will not be able to change until 2:00. They should wear their regular clothes to school. It would be best if students were able to wear their costume over their regular clothes for the party. Specials this Week Monday- Music Tuesday- P.E. Wednesday – Computers Thursday- Art Friday- Music **Remember to wear tennis shoes on P.E. days**

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