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CSA07 data production and transfers

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1 CSA07 data production and transfers
Nelli PUKHAEVA CMS meeting at CC jeudi 13 septembre 2018jeudi 13 septembre 2018

2 THANKS for collaborations! jobs still running. Baseline Milestonas:
CSA07 CSA07 oficialy finished, THANKS for collaborations! jobs still running. Baseline Milestonas: - complete CSA07 soups - Nov 28 complete alacreco Complete background data sets Complete ‘enhanced lepton’ reco With some delays, finish CSA07 by Christmas Nelli Pukhaeva / CSA07 at CC

3 Tier 1 and 2 centers Re-Processings signal processing Skims
Signal GEN-SIM production: - signal workflows - DPG workflows - ppEleX_pt14 - ppMuX_pt10 - ppllX - QCD Alpgen+SUSYBSMLM*+DiElectron_pt* Nelli Pukhaeva / CSA07 at CC

4 Problem with merging jobs are solved
CMS jobs RECO: Problem with merging jobs are solved (opening large number of connections) Need to Clean unmerged jobs after merging! Nelli Pukhaeva / CSA07 at CC 13/09/2018

5 transfer to/from associate T2s transfer to/from other T2s
LoadTest transfers : Priority: transfer to/from CERN transfer to/from T1s transfer to/from associate T2s transfer to/from other T2s Nelli Pukhaeva / CSA07 at CC 13/09/2018 5

6 Transfer Nelli Pukhaeva / CSA07 at CC 13/09/2018

7 How we can increase our efficiency ? Ready for NY
CMS suport How we can increase our efficiency ? Ready for NY Instalation CMSSW, still disk quote… Number of jobs? Today - 900, 250 production jobs Number of analysis jobs? Could we run more? Anounsment in EGEE news Transfer ? Why we cant to keep transfer stable? Squid server? FTS version Vobox monitoring? CMS computing management visit on 30 of Nov CMS request for host DMWM workshop in Janv. Nelli Pukhaeva / CSA07 at CC 13/09/2018

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