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Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns

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Presentation on theme: "Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns"— Presentation transcript:

1 Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns
Los pronombres directos e indirectos

2 Direct Object Pronouns
Nos Os Los/Las Me Te Lo/La

3 Translations Me You Him/Her/It/ You(polite) Us You (plural)
Them/ You(plural)

4 Notice that the pronoun comes before a conjugated verb.
Examples They saw me. Ellos me vieron. She kissed him. Ella lo besó. Notice that the pronoun comes before a conjugated verb.

5 Indirect Object Pronouns
Me Te Le Nos Os Les

6 Translations To me To you To him/To her/ To you (polite) To us
To you (plural) To them, To you (plural)

7 Examples You spoke to them. Tú les hablaste. I wrote to her.
Yo le escribí.

8 I gave the suitcase to her. Les escribimos la carta a Uds.
You may use a noun phrase at the end of the sentence to clarify a 3rd person indirect object pronoun. Le di la maleta a ella. I gave the suitcase to her. Les escribimos la carta a Uds. We wrote the letter to you.

9 A direct or indirect object pronoun may also be attached on to a present participle or an infinitive. Está besándome. (accent on the “a”) or Me está besando. He is kissing me. Estás escribiéndoles. (accent on the “e”) or Les estás escribiendo. You are writing to them. Voy a leerla. or La voy a leer. I am going to read it.

10 El Fin

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