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**Remember to wear tennis shoes on P.E. days**

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1 **Remember to wear tennis shoes on P.E. days**
A Peek At The Week -In reading we are continuing to switch to our leveled reading groups. -During math we will begin to develop a reasoning of using an addition chart. Once they have learned the patterns, their math fluency should become quicker. For example, knowing any problem +1 will equal one number bigger. Math this week will also introduce subtraction and how it is related to addition problems with a missing parts. -Writing time will be used on writing a story about our family. Students will write a draft and then we will practice adding more details in our writing and illustrations. Students will also focus on listening and being able to ask more from the writer as well as share what they found out. -Our Core Knowledge time will continue with Social Studies this week with our unit on Early World Civilizations. We will discuss Ancient Egypt. We will locate Egypt on a map, learn about the ancient people, and practice writing our names with Hieroglyphics. Homework Ideas -Please take time to read with your child every night for minutes. -Continue work on the unfinished sprints that come home each day. Reminders Fall is here! Please send your kiddo to school with a jacket for that cold morning recess and those chilly afternoons. Looking Ahead -October 18th Report Cards sent home - October 20th: First Quarter PBIS Assembly (2:25-3:10) -Monday October 23rd- No school for students -October 27th: Crazy Sock Day Mrs. Hawkins’ First Grade News October 16th, 2017 Extra News -Please look for a sign up genius to be sent out this week regarding the Halloween Party!  Specials this Week Monday- Art Tuesday- Music Wednesday – P.E. Thursday- Computers Friday- Art **Remember to wear tennis shoes on P.E. days**

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