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Literacy Phonics Maths Notices

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1 Literacy Phonics Maths Notices
Newsletter Reception Class 31st March 2017 Literacy This week we have been reading the story of The Easter Bunny. We have been writing about our favourite part in the story. Our main focus in literacy this week has been learning to try to segment and write all the sounds in longer trickier words. After half-term we will be reading lots of different non-fiction and fiction book about the different people that help us. This week we have been learning about the Easter story and Easter celebrations. We have been making Easter nests and we have been exploring the symbols of Easter. We all enjoyed tasting some Easter eggs and hot cross buns. We also enjoyed watching the Easter Praise play in church on Thursday. Next half-term our topic will be people that help us. Phonics This week we have been revising all Phase 3 sounds and tricky words. We have also learnt some Phase 4 tricky words and cluster sounds. Please can you keep revising these sounds with your child in their sound book and the tricky words in your learning together books. Maths This week we have been focusing on addition and subtraction problems. At the start of next term we will be focusing on money and adding different coin denominations. Notices . Please can everyone remember to read their home reading book and revise their sounds over the Easter holidays. Homework: Please can everyone complete the activities in their Learning Together books. Have a lovely half-term! Many thanks for your continued support, Miss Brown.

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