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Objective: Students learn to say and write date in Chinese way

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1 Objective: Students learn to say and write date in Chinese way
Lesson 18 : 我们坐校车去上学 We take school bus to go to school. 孙老师 Objective: Students learn to say and write date in Chinese way

2 Object/Do Now Timer clock
1. Students learn new vocabulary and sentence patterns for lesson 18. 2. Students are able to ask, tell and write what kind of transportation tools they take to school using 2-3 new words correctly . Timer clock

3 来 去 qù 来中国 去中国 lái to come to go Speaker is in China.
Speaker is not in China.

4 zuò 坐to sit qǐng zuò 请please坐 sit down please

5 chē Vehicle kāi chē 开车 to drive a car

6 骑车 to ride a bike cycling

7    zǒu lù 走 路 to walk

8 Objective: Students can tell time and what they will do
shàng to go to 上学 go to school Objective: Students can tell time and what they will do

9 xiào chē 校车 school bus chū zū chē 出租(rent)车taxi

10 gōng chē 公public车 bus qì chē 汽车 car

11 huǒ chē 火fire车 train fēi jī 飞to fly机machine airplane

12 Homework (due on 3/8/17) Finish writing worksheet

13 lái 来中国 去中国 Speaker is in China. Speaker is not in China.

14 zuò qǐng zuò 请 坐

15 chē kāi chē 开车

16 骑车

17    zǒu lù 走 路

18 Objective: Students can tell time and what they will do
shàng 上学 Objective: Students can tell time and what they will do

19 xiào chē 校车 chū zū chē 出租车

20 gōng chē 公车 qì chē 汽车

21 huǒ chē 火车 fēi jī 飞机

22 来 去 来中国 去中国 to come to go Speaker is in China.
Speaker is not in China.

23 坐to sit 请please坐 sit down please

24 Vehicle 开车 to drive a car

25 骑车 to ride a bike cycling

26    走 路 to walk

27 Objective: Students can tell time and what they will do
to go to 上学 go to school Objective: Students can tell time and what they will do

28 校车 school bus 出租(rent)车taxi

29 公public车 bus 汽车 car

30 火fire车 train 飞to fly机machine

31 来中国 去中国

32 请坐

33 开车

34 骑车

35    走 路

36 Objective: Students can tell time and what they will do
上学 Objective: Students can tell time and what they will do

37 校车 出租车

38 公车 汽车

39 火车 飞机

40 to go





45 Objective: Students can tell time and what they will do




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