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Welcome to the Session First things first, get set up…

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1 Welcome to the Session First things first, get set up…
Audio Setup Wizard button First things first, get set up… Test your speakers and microphone From the Audio & Video panel, click  the Audio Setup Wizard icon and follow the directions. Mobile users do not need to do this. We recommend you use a headset or noise cancelling speakers if possible. 2. Set your connection speed PC: Edit  Preferences  Session  Connection MAC: Blackboard Collaborate  Preferences  Session  Connection Remember that running other applications on your computer can slow your connection so you should close any unnecessary applications now. Use the audio sliders to adjust the mic and speaker volume Detach the panel from the menu or just click the top bar and drag the panel out. Any questions contact us using the chat box. TIPS Enter a Q when asking a question in the chat window to help us spot questions in amongst the conversation. Detach your chat window to enlarge it. You can resize all the panels. Remember to mute your microphone when it is not in use. Click the Talk button or the mic icon on/off if you are accessing from the mobile app. Chat and ask questions here Switch your mobile mic On/Off here

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