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Identifying & Targeting Buyers in a Digital World

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Presentation on theme: "Identifying & Targeting Buyers in a Digital World"— Presentation transcript:

1 Identifying & Targeting Buyers in a Digital World
Kevin Oldham Vice President United Marketing Services

2 Today’s Discussion Today’s buyers Where do buyers congregate online?
Best practices for online marketing Social media do’s and don'ts Measurement – ROMI 2012 Observations

3 Today’s buyers

4 The Home Search Process
88% of buyers used the Internet in their home search …..dipped slightly from a high of 90% in 2009 as the demographics of home buyers shifted to slightly older repeat buyers from younger first-time buyers. Source: National Association of REALTORS® | Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers 2011

5 Today’s Buyers 98% 35% 10% percentage of home buyers who first looked online for information about the home buying process of home buyers who used an agent while searching for a home viewed real estate agents as a useful information. percentage of home buyers whose first step in the home buying process was looking online for properties Source: National Association of REALTORS® | Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers 2011

6 37% $89,900 45 Today’s Buyers typical buyer age, up from 39 in 2010
of home buyers were first time buyers, a drop from 50 percent in 2010 median household income Source: National Association of REALTORS® | Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers 2011

7 Today’s Buyers Today’s buyer is intelligent: a world of perfect information due to the Internet Today’s buyer is empowered: Information and knowledge are actionable Today’s buyer is skeptical: Word of mouth is more powerful than ad messages Today’s buyer is connected: Internet always on and engaged with social media Today’s buyer is time-pressed: Time is the new currency Today’s buyer is demanding: They feel they are owed something of value Today’s buyer is ahead of the curve

8 Where Do buyers congregate online?

9 Snapshot of Major Digital Media
Search engines Forums Mobile devices Social networks Blogs Video Webcasts Podcasts Online classifieds RSS feeds SMS

10 Ideas for Targeting Buyers Online
Search for likely terms and have a presence on page one sites

11 Ideas for Targeting Buyers Online
Facebook Ad Campaigns (or other PPC models)

12 Ideas for Targeting Buyers Online
‘Like’ Facebook Groups that align with target

13 Ideas for Targeting Buyers Online
‘Like’ Facebook Groups that align with target

14 Ideas for Targeting Buyers Online
Topic discussion forums – position yourself as SME

15 Ideas for Targeting Buyers Online
Video Tag with relevant keywords Provide your YouTube channel link in your signature Link listings to your videos – buyers love this Push to all major sites

16 Ideas for Targeting Buyers Online
Online PR For SEO Link building Keywords Google alerts

17 Ideas for Targeting Buyers Online
Place messages in unusual places Lifestyle websites Financial websites Retirement websites Home improvement websites Go where your competitors are not present

18 Digital marketing best practices

19 Best Practices Assess Current Market Practices Dedicate Resources
Determine the gaps and opportunities to position your organization Dedicate Resources Commit staff, provide training; allocate budget. Strategize… Strategize Design a Digital Marketing Strategy that incorporates your assessment Build on What You Do Best Incorporate digital media to augment successful marketing efforts. Source: Entwine Digital

20 Best Practices Listen, Research, Refine Give Value Be Consistent
Monitor social buzz, real-time customer feedback; refine Give Value Focus on giving before expecting anything in return (downloadable resources, free advice, and links) Be Consistent increase your digital presence through regular conversations, but don’t push, overexpose or irritate. Develop Sustainable Relationships Engage in conversations, take the time to interact

21 Best Practices Provide Social Sharing
Include easy to access to social amplification tools (social sharing buttons) to spread the message. Cultivate Satisfied, Loyal Customers Encourage your “customers do your marketing” via sharing with their networks. Leverage Social Communities Access related social communities that have a potential interest/benefit from your offering. Develop Online Environment as your Hub Drive traffic to office website, Facebook site, landing pages, and blog.

22 Best Practices Integrate Media Monitor your Digital Presence
Augment your traditional advertising (TV, radio, outdoor, direct mail, print) and PR with social media, mobile, and online efforts. Monitor your Digital Presence Be ready to adapt if things are not working Keep Current…Generate Competitive Edge Maintain your “fingers on the pulse” of your changing business ecosystem and the digital environment.

23 Social media do’s and don’ts

24 Social Media Do’s Provide quality and original content / ideas
Provide value to your audience Maintain the conversation Use it as a tactic to gain credibility and reinforce your brand – subtly Remember there is a right and a wrong place for advertising on many platforms

25 Social Media Don’ts Use your postings as advertisements – it’s a value exchange Spam your audience Commit partially. Go “all in” or don’t play ball

26 Measurement – return on marketing investment

27 ROMI Tools Analytics software Track incoming phone calls - extensions
Google Analytics HootSuite Track incoming phone calls - extensions QR codes


29 Emergence of Social Search
1 Google organic listings carry a +1 to indicate a “like” 2 Consumer sees organic listing and gives it a +1 3 Consumer gets this message confirming the +1 (and adding to that page’s popularity count) 4 Now that consumer’s preference show up in their friend’s searches endorsing that page

30 Mobile Explosion

31 Identifying & Targeting Buyers in a Digital World
Kevin Oldham Vice President United Marketing Services

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