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Chapter Four How Do Social Issues Impact Students?

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1 Chapter Four How Do Social Issues Impact Students?

2 Guidelines for Working With Diverse Families
Understand each child’s family situation. Try to communicate with all adults who take care of a child. Avoid curriculum materials or references that assume a traditional, two-parent family. If possible, schedule conference and volunteer opportunities to fit schedules of working and single parents.

3 Child Poverty and Birth Circumstances

4 Percentage of Children Under 18 Living in Poverty

5 Poverty Unemployment, minimum-wage jobs contribute to large poor population. Many become homeless. Children may: miss school have social or adjustment problems have academic problems; fall asleep

6 Teachers, Schools & Poverty
Provide emotional support and advice to poor, homeless, or runaway students. Report abused students. Be aware of culture mismatches between middle-class schools and poor students. “Hidden rules” of generational poverty


8 Risks to Teen Parents Poverty Interrupted or unfinished education
Especially unmarried teen mothers Interrupted or unfinished education Premature babies Stress of parenting and school or job

9 Schools and Teen Pregnancy
Many schools provide: Sex education, to prevent pregnancy & diseases Help finding prenatal care Parenting advice Support for teen parents to stay in school

10 Types of Sex Education Abstinence Comprehensive
Teaches students to abstain from sex outside of marriage Comprehensive “Abstinence plus” - Also encourages abstinence Provides information on contraceptives & disease prevention

11 Signs of Potential Child Abuse
Repeated injuries, such as bruises, welts, and burns Neglected appearance, stealing food, difficulty staying awake, or poor hygiene Sudden fall-off in academic performance Disruptive behavior or passive, withdrawn behavior Secret or furtive behavior when using the Internet

12 Suicide Warning Signs Talking or writing about death, dying, or suicide Seeking access to firearms or pills Expressing rage or violent or rebellious behavior Expressing no purpose in life or reason for living Drug or alcohol abuse Anxiety, agitation, or inability to sleep

13 Suicide Warning Signs (Continued)
Dramatic mood changes Persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating, or a decline in the quality of schoolwork Acting reckless or engaging in risky behavior Loss of interest in previously pleasurable activities Withdrawing from friends or family

14 Ways for Teachers to Reduce the Threat of School Violence
Establish common goals for the school and elicit commitment to these goals from teachers, students, and parents. Establish a firm, fair, and consistent system for running the school. Establish high expectations for the behavior and performance of students and staff. Create a curriculum that supports the values of honesty, integrity, kindness, and respect for others.

15 Ways for Teachers to Reduce the Threat of School Violence (continued)
Use a variety of security measures to keep intruders and weapons off school grounds. Establish the school as neutral territory for students, control rumors, and squelch loitering and tardiness. Create alternative schools for serious offenders. Provide students and teachers with training in effective communication.

16 Ways to Discourage Cheating
Don’t give the same test over and over again. Separate students so they can’t see one another’s papers. Make it clear to students that cheating is unacceptable and define in clear terms what constitutes cheating. Establish an honor system using student input, so that students will be invested in the system. Require students to sign a pledge that they have not received or given unauthorized aid on tests, papers, and assignments. Forbid students from carrying electronic devices, such as PDAs and cell phones, when taking tests. Institute character education programs that can help students to establish a moral compass.

17 High School Graduation and Dropout Rates
Estimates of high school graduation rates range from 68 percent to 82 percent. Dropout rates particularly high in urban areas and in schools with a larger proportion of students from low-income families. Contributions to high dropout rates: poor grades, dislike for school, alienation from peers, marriage or pregnancy, employment, unrealistic expectations about the world of work. Warning signs include increased absences, lethargy in completing work, and preoccupation with matters outside of school. Discourage students from dropping out by showing interest and care and by talking to and encouraging them.

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