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Chapter 3: Operating Systems

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1 Chapter 3: Operating Systems

2 Tomorrow 18 Dec 2017 Lecture 9:30 – 12:30 Dish Party
Bring yourself Bring something delicious Renew intention Help preparing Have manners and politeness Winners of 500 term competition

3 After Tomorrow 19 Dec 2017 Lecture 11:30 – 12:30
Replacement midterm for late coming students

4 Chapter 3: Operating Systems
3.1 The History of Operating Systems 3.2 Operating System Architecture 3.3 Coordinating the Machine’s Activities 3.4 Handling Competition Among Processes 3.5 Security

5 What are operating systems
Operating systems are software packages that coordinate a computer’s internal activities as well as oversee its communication with the outside world. It transforms the computer hardware into a useful tool. Our goal is to understand what operating systems do and how they do it.

6 OS Relation to Other SW Computer Applications: Operating System: Excel
Windows Linux Andoid Applications: Excel Game Browser VoIP

7 Functions of Operating Systems
Interact with the user Oversee operation of computer Store and retrieve files Schedule programs for execution Coordinate the execution of programs


9 Popular Operating Systems
MS Windows Linux Unix Mac OS Android


11 Smart Phone OS

12 Smart Phone OS


14 Evolution of Shared Computing
First Generation: Batch processing Second Generation: Interactive processing Requires real-time processing Third Generation: Time-sharing/Multitasking Implemented by Multiprogramming Multiprocessor machines


16 Figure 3.1 Batch processing

17 Figure 3.2 Interactive processing

18 Important Terms operating system job job Queue batch processing
interactive processing time-sharing multi-programming - time slice multi-tasking


20 Types of Software Application software System software
Performs specific tasks for users System software Provides infrastructure for application software Consists of operating system and utility software

21 Figure 3.3 Software classification

22 Utility Programs Includes many kinds: Drivers Anti Virus
Compression (Win Zip) Defragmentation Backup


24 2. Operating System Components
User Interface: Communicates with users Text based (Shell) Graphical user interface (GUI) Kernel: Performs basic required functions File manager Device drivers Memory manager Scheduler and dispatcher

25 Figure 3.4 The user interface act as an intermediary between users and the operating system kernel

26 Important Terms Aystem software Application software Utility software
Linux Linus Torvalds User interface shells GUI Windows manager Kernel


28 File Manager Directory (or Folder): A user-created bundle of files and other directories (subdirectories) Directory Path: A sequence of directories within directories F:\Data\CS111\Slides

29 Memory Manager Allocates space in main memory
May create the illusion that the machine has more memory than it actually does (virtual memory) by playing a “shell game” in which blocks of data (pages) are shifted back and forth between main memory and mass storage


31 Getting it Started (Bootstrapping)
Boot loader: Program in ROM (example of firmware) Run by the CPU when power is turned on Transfers (copies) operating system from mass storage to main memory Executes jump to operating system


33 Figure 3.5 The booting process


35 3. Processes Process: The activity of executing a program
Process State: Current status of the activity Program counter General purpose registers Related portion of main memory

36 Process Administration
Scheduler: Adds new processes to the process table and removes completed processes from the process table Dispatcher: Controls the allocation of time slices to the processes in the process table The end of a time slice is signaled by an interrupt.


38 Figure 3.6 Time-sharing between process A and process B


40 5. Securing IT Systems

41 Securing IT Systems

42 Securing IT Systems Ove Overflow Input Injection Weak Authentication

43 Securing IT Systems Ove Input Injection Weak Overflow Authentication
Social Engineering

44 Computer Viruses It is a program that copies itself repeatedly without the user’s permission and moves from a machine to another through computer networks It has harmful effect like slowing the machine, damaging data, or even physical damage. (Stuxnet)

45 Types of Computer Viruses
Boot Sector Viruses File Infectors Time Bombs Trojan Horses Ransomware

46 Fighting Computer Viruses
Do not open unknown messages or attachments Check attachments before downloading them Install Anti Virus SW Scan flashes, etc.

47 Attack 1: Wanna Cry

48 Ransomware “Ransomware is a computer worm that encrypts the data in the infected computer and makes it unusable as if data is taken as a hostage. Then it displays demands to pay ransom money to release and decrypt the data so it is usable again.”

49 Attack 2: Stuxnet - 1 “Stuxne was a landmark in the history of computer viruses. It is the first virus in history that crosses the boundaries between the digital world and the physical world. Rather than simply hijacking targeted computers or stealing information from them, it caused physical destruction of the equipment the computers controlled, the centrifuges.”

50 Stuxnet - 2 Natanz Centrifuges Remote Server Internet
Control Computers PLCs Natanz Remote Server Internet

51 Important Terms System software Application software Utility software
Linux Linus Torvalds User interface shells GUI Windows manager Kernel File manager operating system job job Queue batch processing interactive processing time-sharing multi-programming - time slice multi-tasking

52 Important Terms boot loader booting directory or folder ROM
process process state -> program counter + registers + memory cells peripheral devices MS Windows Task Manager directory or folder directory path device drivers memory manager paging - page virtual memory scheduler + process table dispatcher + time slice + process switching + interrupt

53 Important Terms System crash Administrator Account Login


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