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NA61 news and plans Results, results, results ... π- + C → h- + X

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Presentation on theme: "NA61 news and plans Results, results, results ... π- + C → h- + X"— Presentation transcript:

1 NA61 news and plans Results, results, results ... π- + C → h- + X
NA61 Collaboration meeting, CERN, October 8-12, 2012 Results, results, results ... π- + C → h- + X NA61 data/EPOS

2 Data taking: 2012/2013 2012 run was hampered by numerous problems
with the VTX-1 and VTX-2 magnets. About two months of the beam time were lost. The lost time is partly compensated by the shift of the Be runs to December 2012 and January/February 2013 2012/2013 tests and data taking: - PSD calibration (muon and proton beams at 158 GeV/c) - p+C at 120 GeV/c (VTX-1 off) - pion/kaon+C at 158 GeV/c (VTX-1 off) - p+Pb at 158 GeV/c - Be+Be at 13A, 20A, 30A GeV/c (to be taken)

3 Status of the NA61 data taking
within the ion program Xe+La 2015 delay of LS1 may shift Ar and Xe runs Ar+Ca 2014 Be+Be 2011 - 2012 p+Pb 2012/14 p+p 2009/10/11 momentum (A GeV/c)

4 Status of the NA61 data taking within the neutrion and CR programs
kaon+C 2012 pion+C 2009 p+LT p+C /2012 momentum (GeV/c)

5 Considered major detector upgrades:
Feasibility studies of the DRS DAQ upgrade which may include: - ToF-L/R, - BPD, - PSD, - Beam, In total about 2600 channels. To be ready by June 2014 Estimated resources: 300k CHF, 5 FTEs x 2 years Many thanks to Sandro for pushing the project! Still many issues to clarify/define before the CB approval

6 and Yasir for their effort
Considered major detector upgrades: Significant progress on the vertex detector simulations. Considered measurements of D0 production in 2017+ Many thanks to Pawel and Yasir for their effort Still a long way to go before a detector technology/design can be fixed

7 Running detector upgrades:
- ToF HV upgrade (Jovan, ...) - TPC calibration pulser (Rainer, Krzysztof, ...) - TPC gas monitoring system (Hermann-Josef)

8 … and continuous attempts to upgrade the logo and posters:

9 Software upgrades Legacy software: continuous maintenance
and minor updates. (Boris, Marek, Seweryn, ...) Shine: the third workshop focused on the reconstruction chain has just finished: porting and validation of legacy Clients, development of native modules. (the Shine group) Virtualization: the legacy reconstruction works with CERNVM. Automated processing linked to the NA61 bookkeeping under construction. (Dag, Predrag, Sasha) Hope to start reconstruction within Shine using CERNVM soon, by the end of 2012?

10 Calibration Calibration of 2010 and 2011 data is advanced, and
the 2012 data calibration started. (Grzegorz, Alex, many) QA and calibration software is being moved to/written in Shine. (Andras, Roland, US-NA61, many) Calibration and QA within Shine should be ready very soon, before the reconstruction with Shine starts.

11 Results, results, results, … (Kasia, Boris, Michael)
From the smeared multiplicities of identified hadrons ... the example for p+p at 158 GeV/c (Maja) pion proton kaon … to the momentum spectra of the first moment (Szymon, NA61-T2K, …) and unfolded second moments (Maja, Anar)

12 First moments: Szymon

13 First moments: Magda, Sebastien

14 Second moments: Variance/Mean Maja

15 … but the old h- and h+ analysis has its merits:
large acceptance and high statistics Antoni

16 Hans, Michael, Martin

17 Hans, Michael, Martin and many more results released for the summer conferences, in particular the included fluctuations and correlations by Tobiasz and Bartek

18 Recent papers: Pion emission from the T2K replica target:
method, results and application Revised version will be submitted soon to NIMA

19 Beyond the approved program
The NA61 Addendum-6 and the contribution to the ESPP present plans beyond the approved program: - measurements of Pb+Pb collisions for the ion program, - measurements for the Fermilab neutrino program, - measurements for the CERN (LBNO) neutrino program

20 The ESPP dominated by the LHC community, but still
were marked in two points: From the summary slides of the Krakow ESPP meeting:

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