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UNIT 1 Revision: Education

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1 UNIT 1 Revision: Education

2 HOW LONG IS A MINUTE? Everyone close your eyes I will time a minute
When you think a minute is up stand up

3 A minute goes very quickly
Remember, the paper is a minute a mark Lots of you spend too much time on the early questions and don’t leave enough time for the 12 mark question Try to spend a little under a minute a mark for all the early questions and then hopefully you will have 15 minutes for the 12 mark question. The 12 mark answer needs at least two paragraphs arguing for the statement and two against If you aiming for a A or A*, you should be aiming for 3 for and 3 against

4 TASK ONE Read through the topic list
Tick anything you know really well green Tick anything you know quite well amber Tick anything you don’t know at all red Please can you write any ‘reds’ onto the board and we will go through these as a class.

5 TASK TWO Underline any key terms that you DO NOT KNOW
1. ASK PEOPLE ON YOUR TABLE IF THEY KNOW THESE – ask them to explain 2. Ask me!

6 TASK THREE 5 mark questions

7 2 marks for description 3 marks for explanation
Describe one function that education may perform for society and explain how this may benefit society. (5 marks) 2 marks for description One function that both Marxists and functionalists identify is role allocation. The processes of education such as setting, streaming, GCSE and A Level subject choice, and examinations all help sift and sort students into a specific role. For example, a student who is interested in engineering and is successful at sciences is likely to pursue these subjects both at school and university. 3 marks for explanation However, Marxists and functionalists have contrasting views about

8 YOU HAVE 5 MINUTES. Choose a question Answer it in 5 minutes Go….
Share with your partner Mark it Listen to some of the examples

9 TASK FOUR 12 mark questions

10 Discuss how far… (Introduction: What are the main arguments and who/which perspectives debate this question) Part One: Which sociologists, perspectives and evidence support the statement? Part Two: Which sociologists, perspectives and evidence counter the statement? Conclusion: How far do sociologists agree? Draw a conclusion – which arguments and evidence do you think are the most persuasive and why?

11 YOU HAVE 12 MINUTES. Choose a question Answer it in 12 minutes Go….
Share with your partner Mark it Listen to some of the examples

12 HOMEWORK Answer one 5 mark and 12 mark question Bring to next lesson

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