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Reading Large Numbers & Identifying Place Value

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Large Numbers & Identifying Place Value"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Large Numbers & Identifying Place Value
This presentation is a resource to assist with teaching students to read large numbers by identifying periods an place value;

2 Can You Read These Numbers?
2,801,631 9,614,503 4,634,148 7,293,841 3,495,718 946,301

3 Each group of three numbers
ones tens hundreds thousands millions hundred thousands ten thousands hundred millions ten millions Each group of three numbers is called a period.

4 ones tens hundreds thousands millions ten thousands hundred millions
hundred thousands ten thousands hundred millions ten millions ones period millions period thousands period

5 is also known as the UNITS period.
ones tens hundreds thousands millions hundred thousands ten thousands hundred millions ten millions millions thousands ones The ones period is also known as the UNITS period.

6 948 hundred millions ten thousands ten millions thousands hundreds
ones tens hundreds thousands millions hundred thousands ten thousands hundred millions ten millions 948

7 18 hundred millions ten thousands ten millions thousands hundreds
ones tens hundreds thousands millions hundred thousands ten thousands hundred millions ten millions 18

8 302 hundred millions ten thousands ten millions thousands hundreds
ones tens hundreds thousands millions hundred thousands ten thousands hundred millions ten millions 302

9 8,771 hundred millions ten thousands ten millions thousands hundreds
ones tens hundreds thousands millions hundred thousands ten thousands hundred millions ten millions 8,771 thousand

10 218,008 hundred millions ten thousands ten millions thousands hundreds
ones tens hundreds thousands millions hundred thousands ten thousands hundred millions ten millions 218,008 thousand

11 432,508,948 ones tens hundreds thousands millions ten thousands
hundred thousands ten thousands hundred millions ten millions 432,508,948 million thousand

12 23,542,391 ones tens hundreds thousands millions ten thousands
hundred thousands ten thousands hundred millions ten millions 23,542,391 million thousand

13 4,008,349 ones tens hundreds thousands millions ten thousands
hundred thousands ten thousands hundred millions ten millions 4,008,349 million thousand

14 157,073,007 ones tens hundreds thousands millions ten thousands
hundred thousands ten thousands hundred millions ten millions 157,073,007 million thousand

15 67,932,271 ones tens hundreds thousands millions ten thousands
hundred thousands ten thousands hundred millions ten millions 67,932,271 million thousand

16 724,135,819 ones tens hundreds thousands millions ten thousands
hundred thousands ten thousands hundred millions ten millions 724,135,819 million thousand

17 5,118,002 ones tens hundreds thousands millions ten thousands
hundred thousands ten thousands hundred millions ten millions 5,118,002 million thousand

18 672,891,184 ones tens hundreds thousands millions ten thousands
hundred thousands ten thousands hundred millions ten millions 672,891,184 million thousand

19 2,801,331 ones tens hundreds thousands millions ten thousands
hundred thousands ten thousands hundred millions ten millions 2,801,331 million thousand

20 18,774 hundred millions ten thousands ten millions thousands hundreds
ones tens hundreds thousands millions hundred thousands ten thousands hundred millions ten millions 18,774 thousand

21 400,006,024 ones tens hundreds thousands millions ten thousands
hundred thousands ten thousands hundred millions ten millions 400,006,024 million thousand

22 Can You Identify the Place Value of The 9 in These Numbers?
9,614,503 2,569,631 7,293,841 4,634,149 946,301 3,415,798 Let’s Learn How

23 516,948,027 hundred millions ten thousands ten millions thousands
ones tens hundreds thousands millions hundred thousands ten thousands hundred millions ten millions 516,948,027 Did you notice that all three periods have a tens place and a hundreds place?

24 2,801,331 millions thousands ones
Name the place value of the 8 in this number. hundred thousands millions thousands ones 2,801,331

25 82,801,331 ten millions millions thousands ones
Name the place value of the 8 in this number. ten millions millions thousands ones 82,801,331

26 53,609,347 millions thousands ones
Name the place value of the 0 in this number. ten thousands millions thousands ones 53,609,347

27 2,364,719 millions thousands ones
Name the place value of the 4 in this number. thousands millions thousands ones 2,364,719

28 15,841,200 hundreds millions thousands ones
Name the place value of the 2 in this number. hundreds millions thousands ones 15,841,200

29 742,831 tens millions thousands ones
Name the place value of the 3 in this number. tens millions thousands ones 742,831

30 7,941,548 ones millions thousands ones
Name the place value of the 8 in this number. ones millions thousands ones 7,941,548

31 52,873,875 millions millions thousands ones
Name the place value of the 2 in this number. millions millions thousands ones 52,873,875

32 702,641,593 hundred millions millions thousands ones
Name the place value of the 7 in this number. hundred millions millions thousands ones 702,641,593

33 We will do the problems a-f, then check them.
Try Some Problems On Your Own Write the letters a – l on your papers. We will do the problems a-f, then check them.

34 Name the place value of the 3 in each number.
2,801,631 a a tens 4,634,148 b b ten thousands 3,495,718 c c millions 9,614,503 d d ones 7,293,841 e e thousands 946,301 f f hundreds

35 516,948,027 hundred millions ten thousands ten millions thousands
ones tens hundreds thousands millions hundred thousands ten thousands hundred millions ten millions 516,948,027 Did you notice that all three periods have a tens place and a hundreds place?

36 Name the place value of the 5 in each number.
8,041,635 g g ones 5,634,148 h h millions 3,495,718 i i thousands 9,614,503 j j hundreds 7,252,841 k k ten thousands 1,546,301 l l hundred thousands

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