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Malati Chaudhary (PNM Transmission Planning)

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1 Public Service Company (PNM) Eastern New Mexico (NM) Remedial Action Scheme Overview
Malati Chaudhary (PNM Transmission Planning) Thomas Duane (PNM Transmission Planning) Daniel Marquis (PNM System Protection) November 14th, 2017

2 Outline Eastern New Mexico system Purpose of RAS RAS Scheme
Classification of RAS RAS Design RAS operational control and monitoring RAS commissioning and functional testing Coordination with other RAS and protection scheme Action during failure of RAS Impact to the WECC power grid NERC CIP Compliance Conclusion Tom

3 Overview of Eastern NM System
Blackwater HVDC Converter Blackwater HVDC converter can transfer full capacity of 200 MW but the transfer will be limited to times when wind generations are below their full output. Existing Wind Farms MW Capacity Aragonne Mesa 90 New Mexico Wind Energy Center 200 Broadview 297 El Cabo 292 with 213 MW wind injection on firm basis Planned Wind Farm by 2019 Grady

4 Breaker level one-line diagram of Rio Puerco to Blackwater 345 kV system
Line Designation: BA – Blackwater 345 kV line is referred to as BB line. Taiban Mesa – Blackwater 345 kV line is referred to as TB line. Rio Puerco – BA 345 kV line 1 and 2 are referred to as CJ and WN line respectively. Talk through scenarios. Mention line naming. Provides a sense of what is being sensed and what is being transfer tripped. Scenario Total wind generation at point of Interconnection BA – Clines Corners 345 kV line flow at BA (MW) Time frame 1 1079 MW 1011 MW 2019 2 879 MW 840 MW 2017 3 808 MW 773 MW No scheme needed

5 Transmission Lines Around BA Station
During ALIS MVA capacity = 3235 MVA During N-1 condition of either CJ or WN line MVA capacity = 2159 MVA or 2040 MVA During N-2 or N-1-1 outage of WN and CJ line Overloads occur BA transformer overloading is the worst among all overloads. Maximum wind injection without overloading is 808 MW. This corresponds to 773 MW wind at BA (Scenario 3). Physically shows common tower failure location condition that RAS is designed for. Cascading possibility.

6 Purpose of RAS Mitigate overloads Contingency: CJ and WN lines out
Power Flow Results without RAS: Line MVA Rating Loading during Summer Peak in 2018 summer peak Scenario 1 (1079 MW) Scenario 2 (879 MW) Scenario 3 (808 MW) Without RAS BA – NO_BERN 115 kV Line (RB line) 170 1.306 1.035 0.947 NO_BERN – AVILA_T 115 kV Line (RB line) 1.263 0.991 0.904 REEVES_2 – ROY 115 kV Line (RB line) 1.147 0.872 0.786 ROY – AVILA_T 115 kV Line (RB line) 1.204 0.931 0.844 ENCHNTED to B-A 115 kV Line (CB line) 240 1.095 0.833 0.746 PACHMANN to ENCHNTED 115 kV Line (CB line) 1.014 0.75 0.662 BA 345/115 kV Transformer 516 1.338 1.089 0.999 Line MVA Rating Loading during Light Winter in 2017 light winter Scenario 1 (1079 MW) Scenario 2 (879 MW) Scenario 3 (808 MW) Without RAS BA – NO_BERN 115 kV Line (RB line) 195 1.125 0.889 0.801 NO_BERN – AVILA_T 115 kV Line (RB line) 1.114 0.878 0.789 REEVES_2 to ROY 115 kV Line (RB line) 1.085 0.847 0.759 ROY to AVILA_T 115 kV Line (RB line) 1.102 0.866 0.777 ENCHNTED – BA 115 kV Line (CB line) 240 1.162 0.892 0.791 PACHMANN – ENCHNTED 115 kV Line (CB line) 1.147 0.876 0.776 BA 345/115 kV Transformer 516 1.33 0.99 Malati Mitigate overloads

7 Classification of RAS Wide Area Protection Scheme (WAPS)
Loading exceeding 125% of line or transformer loading Tendency of losing more than 1000 MW of wind

8 RAS scheme Power Flow results with Eastern NM RAS:
MW level is based on the BA transformer loading. Transfer tripping TB line will isolate Broadview, and Grady wind farms and Blackwater HVDC converter causing maximum 568 MW flow injection at BA. Time delay of 0.5 sec is used to avoid tripping on transient rise above 773 MW. Note: The MW setting of 773 MW is somewhat dependent on system conditions around Albuquerque. Power Flow results with Eastern NM RAS: Line MVA Rating Loading During Summer Peak in 2018 Summer Peak Scenario 1 (1079 MW) Scenario 2 (879 MW) Scenario 3 (808 MW) With RAS BA – NO_BERN 115 kV Line (RB line) 170 0.65 0.651 0.947 NO_BERN – AVILA_T 115 kV Line (RB line) 0.606 0.607 0.904 REEVES_2 – ROY 115 kV Line (RB line) 0.483 0.484 0.786 ROY – AVILA_T 115 kV Line (RB line) 0.543 0.544 0.844 ENCHNTED to B-A 115 kV Line (CB line) 240 0.463 0.746 PACHMANN to ENCHNTED 115 kV Line (CB line) 0.376 0.662 BA 345/115 kV Transformer 516 0.707 0.999 Go over diagram first. Then table shows overload levels with WAPS. Line MVA Rating Loading During Light Winter in 2017 Light Winter Scenario 1 (1079 MW) Scenario 2 (879 MW) Scenario 3 (808 MW) With RAS BA – NO_BERN 115 kV Line (RB line) 195 0.553 0.554 0.801 NO_BERN – AVILA_T 115 kV Line (RB line) 0.541 0.542 0.789 REEVES_2 to ROY 115 kV Line (RB line) 0.51 0.511 0.759 ROY to AVILA_T 115 kV Line (RB line) 0.529 0.530 0.777 ENCHNTED – BA 115 kV Line (CB line( 240 0.791 PACHMANN – ENCHNTED 115 kV Line (CB line) 0.494 0.495 0.776 BA 345/115 kV Transformer 516 0.704 0.99

9 Dynamic Performance Scenario 1 (1079 MW Wind)
773 MW flow at BA Scenario 1 (1079 MW Wind) Flow at BA is greater than 773 MW for 0.5 seconds. RAS operates tripping TB line. Walk through Blue Line. Hit with Double contingency, fault applied, NOTE: Maybe put a red line at 773MW after the fault.

10 Dynamic Performancecontd.
Facility Rating Scenario 1 (1079 MW wind) BA transformer loading and 115 kV line loading are close to 63% before the lines are out. BA transformer and 115 kV line from BA station initially overloads. RAS action reduces the transformer and line loading.

11 Dynamic Performancecontd.
773 MW flow at BA Scenario 2 (879 MW Wind) Flow at BA is greater than 773 MW for 0.5 seconds. RAS operates tripping TB line. Per tom consider skipping straight to next slide

12 Dynamic Performancecontd.
Facility Rating Scenario 2 (879 MW Wind) BA transformer and 115 kV line loadings are close to 60% before the lines are out. BA transformer and 115 kV line from BA station initially overloads. RAS action reduces the transformer and line loading. Mention will be here by end of year,

13 Dynamic Performancecontd.
Scenario 3 (808 MW Wind) Flow at BA is not greater than 773 MW for 0.5 seconds. RAS does not operate. 773 MW flow at BA Per tom consider skipping straight to next slide

14 Dynamic Performancecontd.
Facility Rating Scenario 3 (808 MW Wind) BA transformer and 115 kV line loading are around 58% and 55% respectively before fault. BA transformer and 115 kV line from BA station loadings are less than 1.0 pu. Basis for 773 number… final build-out

15 RAS design Daniel There are three set of redundant relays for line loss detection and line tripping. At least two of the three redundant relay schemes will be in service during normal operation at all times.

16 Detection CJ R1, CJ R2, CJ R3, WN R1, WN R2, and WN R3 relays process the line loss signals. BB R1, BB R2, and BB R3 relays perform the logic to determine if both lines are lost and BB line flow is greater than 773 MW. Each relay can be disarmed during maintenance or repair by changing the status of 43CO switch from “Normal” to the “Tagg” position. Redo picture to include NOTE 2 on OUTPUT 210

17 Telecommunication Each relay independently utilizes a set of 2 separate and independent communication paths.

18 RAS trip circuit TB line relay will trip Blackwater TB Breakers which has existing transfer trip to Taiban Mesa breakers.

19 RAS design Daniel There are three set of redundant relays for line loss detection and line tripping. At least two of the three redundant relay schemes will be in service during normal operation at all times.

20 Telecommunication contd.
BA Station Physical routing Blackwater Station

21 Telecommunication contd.
The communications paths consist of a combination of SONET, and microwave radio paths. The communication routes are completely diverse. Non-deterministic communication systems are not deployed in the network. PNM has communications maintenance technicians on 24hr call to respond to network outages. Backup info: Some portions are wavelength division multiplexed. All communication entrance systems are optical or radio.

22 RAS operational control and monitoring
Relays and communication equipment have self diagnostics which alarm through SCADA to power operations. PNM is working on establishing monitoring in MONARCH to specifically call out RAS health status.

23 RAS Commissioning and Functional Testing (DRAFT)
Line outage is tested by opening the breakers one-at-a-time and verifying the change of state of each breaker in the relay. For following tests, each set of Relays (R1-WN, R1-CJ, R1-BB, R1-TB) will be tested together. (e.g. R1 set will be tested while R2 and R3 still in service) To test line loss detection, status contact inputs to the line relays will be changed to mimic breaker opening which will be observed at the BB line relay. With both lines mimicked to the outage state the instrument transformer inputs are adjusted to mimic the loading. Blackwater and Taiban Mesa breakers are allowed to trip one at a time verifying the intended transfer trip. Functional testing will be done every 5 year.

24 Coordination with other RAS and Protection Scheme
NO INTERACTIONS FOUND. Most Likely Candidates: Other RAS in the study area Reactor tripping relay scheme Import contingency load shedding scheme (ICLSS) Other Protection System Reactor insertion relay system Tom

25 Coordination with other RAS and Protection Scheme contd.
Need to check if Blackwater is only voltage sensing. NEED TO CORRECT? No direct interaction from other schemes which might cause false operations of Eastern NM RAS. Slight possibility for Voltage interactions, but none found.

26 Coordination with other RAS and Protection Scheme contd.
No interaction with other RAS, Protection or Control system was found in the technical assessment. The RAS won’t have any adverse interactions with other RAS and protection system as the scheme only trips the TB line after receiving permissive signal from the controller.

27 Action during failure of RAS
Per Operating Procedure, PNM will notify wind farm owners to curtail wind. The wind generation will be curtailed to a level (below 773 MW) where the RAS is not required for the double contingency outage of the WN line and CJ line.

28 Impact to the WECC power grid
The RAS action would trip up to 497 MW of wind resulting slight frequency decline in the Western Grid, however the decline will be well within the normal generation disturbances and should not present any unique problem.

29 NERC CIP compliance The RAS is using existing relay and communication equipment in which PNM’s CIP compliance program has already been incorporated. PNM will also be implementing additional CIP protections by 9/1/2018 for physical security controls and electronic access controls to comply with the current version of NERC CIP standard (CIP R2). No expected impacts to proposed RAS scheme.

30 Conclusion The performance of Eastern NM RAS is as expected.
The designed RAS has full redundancy meeting requirements of WAPS. RAS will be continuously monitored via SCADA. RAS commissioning and functional testing will be preformed to ensure end-to-end functionality. No coordination issues were found with other RAS and protection scheme. There would be no major impact to the WECC power grid. NERC CIP compliance is not expected to have any negative impacts on RAS functionality.

31 Questions/Comments: ?

32 Thank you!!

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