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Think why on these select all questions and give rationales.

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Presentation on theme: "Think why on these select all questions and give rationales."— Presentation transcript:

1 Think why on these select all questions and give rationales.
NAME______________________ Endocrine Class preparatory answers due in class on entry. The lecturer assistants for endocrine are the following: Taylor Ross:: Precocious puberty, diagnosis, treatment Kelsey Schlosser: Diabetes Mellitus: etiology, diag, treatment Allison Stevenson: Diab Mellitus: diet, insulin pumps Jillian Stimmel: Medications Ellen Strickler: Insulin review Emily Sullivan: Turners/kleinfelter Syndrome Megan Valentine: Congenital Hypothyroidism Susan Vaughn: Inborn Errors of Metabolism (PKU diet) Endocrine Case Study in Preparation for class is required an worth two points. Think why on these select all questions and give rationales. You may be called on in class Two points is for completion on time, class presence and class participation. Review the topics at the end in case you are called upon to lecture in class. The ppts are posted in canvas.

2 All the following are true about Diabetes Mellitus: (Give rationales from text book.
What is etiology of type one? What is etiology of type two? Autoimmune reactions d/t toxins or viruses and environment can predispose to which diabetes? Obesity, physical inactivity, high triglycerides (greater tan 250mg/dL) and hypertension may lead to insulin resistance and type two diabetes. What else? Hypoglycemia is usually 60 mg/dL with possible s/s irritability, shakiness, hunger, headache, diaphoresis 6. Glycosated Hgb A1C reference range of 4-6%.. If diabetes 6.5% to 8% with a goal of 7%

3 Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: All the following 5 are true:

4 Teaching for a type one insulin dependent diabetic child includes: List six:

5 Congenital Hypothyroidism: (List six true facts)

6 What is important to teach a parent of an infant with Congenital Hypothyroidism?
Thing to think about when teaching a parent. Levothyroxine is ordered in micrograms. Levothyroxine may cause tachycardia. Teach parent to:

7 Symptoms of hypoglycemia are the following:

8 What is the difference between a simple and complex carbohydrate
What is the difference between a simple and complex carbohydrate? Give an example?

9 The following are true about Kleinfelter Syndrome:

10 Two truths about Turner syndrome are:

11 What is Diabetes Insipidus and why is hypernatremia present when a patient presents with DI?
Brief definition: The labs show hypernatremia when a DI pt is diagnosed because:

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