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LGBTQIA Students 101 Erin Kelly MA-School Counseling, Teaching 10 Years.

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Presentation on theme: "LGBTQIA Students 101 Erin Kelly MA-School Counseling, Teaching 10 Years."— Presentation transcript:

1 LGBTQIA Students 101 Erin Kelly MA-School Counseling, Teaching 10 Years

2 Alphabet Soup - What do all the letters mean?
L-esbian G-ay B-isexual T-ransgender Q-uestioning or Queer I-ntersex A-sexual or Allies

3 Vocab Androgynous- a form of gender expression that combines both masc. and fem. Cisgender- identifies as the gender that matches biological sex Gender binary- idea that the genders are strictly and either-or option Gender conforming- gender expression conforms with cultural norms Genderfluid-gender identity or expression shifts between masc. and fem. Gender nonconforming-does not conform with cultural norms

4 Vocab Cont. Pronouns- affirming pronouns are the most respectful pronouns as defined by that person Puberty suppression- a medical process that pauses the hormonal changes that activate puberty in young adults Sexual Orientation-feelings of attraction toward other people Transgender- or “trans” - a person whose gender identity does not match the biological identity assigned at birth Transsexual- older term for Transgender - Transgender has generally become the term of choice

5 Gender Bread Person Activity

6 Gay Straight Alliance
Almost 15 years old- 1st sponsor, Kristy Quigley- then Barbara Ixba and Amber Forgey- then to myself and Kathy Gilliland Membership- increases and decreases with a mix of LGBTQ+ and ally friends Any school in the district can also have one as long as it is student initiated and they find a sponsor. (Most schools of younger students have counselors who sponsor)

7 Local Resources PFLAG Outyouth GLSEN

8 Things our Students Wish We Did Do
Use Inclusive Speech Intervene if another student or teacher is bullying a LGBTQ+ student Intervene if another student or teacher is using anti- LGBTQ+ language

9 Things our Students Wish We Didn’t Do
Directly ask their LGBTQ+ Status Don’t Out them Ignore Transphobic and Homophobic Comments (whether they are or are not your students)

10 Questions to GSA Students

11 Resources January 2017 Issue of National Geographic
GLSEN 2015 Texas Results

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