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Welcome back everybody

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1 Welcome back everybody
Welcome back everybody! Year 2 have started off the year by getting into role as pirates and went on an adventure over the pointy peaks and trudged through the sinking quick sand to find the valuable treasure. We produced some excellent writing and continue to stick to our theme of Land Ahoy for the rest of the term. In Maths we have learned how to partition numbers into ones and tens, some of us even used number beads to do this. We can now recognise place value which will help us a lot in the future. We forgot how much we loved Maths! Luckily we are now able to identify our number bonds to 20 which will help us in our mental maths for the future. This month we have been learning about healthy eating and how exercise helps us to keep us healthy. We found our heart rates and felt how much quicker they went as we completed more activities. We loved learning about the famous pirate Blackbeard too and those wicked things he got up to. We even managed to describe him using a comma in a list! September Another wonderful month packed full of learning. Just a reminder to listen to your child read everyday and support them to complete their homework. Please also remember to ensure you child has their P.E kit and has appropriate clothing for the weather.

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