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USBE: Tracy Gooley and Tanya Semerad

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1 USBE: Tracy Gooley and Tanya Semerad
Draft of THE New Alternate Extended Core SEED Standards, fOR grades 6-8 USBE: Tracy Gooley and Tanya Semerad

2 Drafting Process March 2017: The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) curriculum and special education staff determined the current Extended Science Standards for students with significant cognitive disabilities (SWSCD) do not align with the new grades 6-8 Science Engineering Education Standards (SEEd). April 2017: USBE developed a plan for a workgroup to begin drafting new Alternate Science Standards for SWSCD in grades 6-8. June 2017: A leadership committee and workgroup was formed. Participants for both include local experts in curriculum and special education; general education science teachers; teachers of SWSCD; university educators; and USBE curriculum, assessment, and special education staff.

3 Drafting Process Continued
July 7, 2017: The leadership committee met to establish a process to update the standards and outline the format for the new standards. July 13, 2017: USBE staff informed the USBE Standards and Assessment Committee of the plans to carry out a workgroup to draft new alternate science standards to align with the general education SEEd standards. July 26, 27, 28, 2017: The full workgroup met for 3 days to draft new alternate science standards. August, September, and October, 2017: The leadership committee reconvened several times to ensure consistency among language and format through out the new grades 6, 7, and 8 standards.

4 Drafting Process Continued
November 2017: USBE staff drafted the introduction of the new Extended Core SEEd standards. December 2017: USBE presented the draft of the new alternate science standards and the plan for gathering stakeholder feedback to the USBE Standards and Assessment Committee. December 14, 2017 – January 30, 2018 : A draft of the new Extended Core SEEd standards for SWSCD grades 6-8 is disseminated for stakeholder feedback. February, 2018: The leadership committee revises the draft of the new Extended Core SEEd standards based on stakeholder feedback. March, April 2018: It is anticipated that USBE staff present the revised draft of the new Extended Core SEEd standards to the USBE for possible approval.

5 Gathering Stakeholder Feedback
Draft of the new Extended Core SEEd standards for SWSCD grades 6-8 and link to online survey will go to: Utah Parent Center (to parents of SWSCD) Utah Parent Teachers Association (PTA) Teachers of SWSCD Special Education Directors Utah Special Education Advisory Panel (USEAP) LEA Curriculum Directors Charter School Directors LEA Assessment Directors Utah Developmental Disabilities Council

6 Gathering Stakeholder Feedback
Face to face stakeholder meetings will take place across the state for participants to review the draft of the new Extended Core SEEd standards for SWSCD grades 6-8 and give feedback. - December 21, 2017: USBE Basement West, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm - January 9, 2018: Carbon School District training room 3, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm - January 11, 2018: Cache County School District Board room, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm - January 11, 2018: Iron School District Board room, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm - January 19, 2018: USBE North and South Board rooms, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

7 Overview of Utah Core SEEd Standards
New Utah Science with Engineering Education Standards for grades adopted this year. Focus on students being active learners who demonstrate their scientific understanding by applying it. Students observe, inquire, question, formulate and test hypotheses, analyze data, report, and evaluate findings. Students participate in the 3 dimensions of science. Science and Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts Disciplinary Core Ideas

8 Overview of Core SEEd

9 Extended Core SEEd Standards
Follows similar format as the Core SEEd. Each standard includes a “Big Idea”, which summarizes the important intention of the standard. Comprised of various levels for instruction and assessment called Access Points: Proficient- Most closely aligned with the knowledge, skills, and understanding described by the Extended Core SEEd Standard. Developing- Knowledge, skills, and understanding that are the final skills necessary to acquire before entering the proficient level. Approaching- Knowledge, skills, and understanding that move the student beyond the emerging access point toward the proficient level. Emerging- Entrance point to the standard, the most basic knowledge, skills, and understanding necessary to access the given standard.

10 Extended Core SEEd Example

11 What Can You Do? Share the draft standards and survey with teachers.
Share the draft standards and survey with parents. Review the draft of the Extended Core SEEd and complete the feedback survey by January 30,

12 Stakeholder Feedback Survey Information
Survey should take minutes per grade level. Each question is one standard with the following feedback options: Keep as is Revise (suggestion is required in comments) Remove Comment box 45 day review period closes January 30, 2018, 6th Grade Extended Core SEEd Standards Stakeholder Feedback Survey, 7th Grade Extended Core SEEd Standards Stakeholder Feedback Survey, 8th Grade Extended Core SEEd Standards Stakeholder Feedback Survey,

13 Further Information Find the full draft of Extended Core SEEd standards on the USBE Special Education Home Page, You can find the Utah Science with Engineering Education Standards, on the USBE website for more information about the general education science standards for grades 6-8. Contact Tanya Semerad, or Tracy Gooley, with further questions.

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