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Focus 11/14 The Industrial Revolution started with advances in the textile industry, but later expanded to the production of other goods. Other fields.

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Presentation on theme: "Focus 11/14 The Industrial Revolution started with advances in the textile industry, but later expanded to the production of other goods. Other fields."— Presentation transcript:

1 Focus 11/14 The Industrial Revolution started with advances in the textile industry, but later expanded to the production of other goods. Other fields like medicine were also impacted. Doctors like Louis Pastor, Robert Koch, and Joseph Lister gained a better understanding of germs and bacteria. Scientists like Marie Curie and Albert Einstein experimented with radioactivity. Points for Discussion: How did advances in the textile industry lead to and improve the production of other goods? Critical Lens: After the Industrial Revolution, people lived longer. Term to Know: expansion

2 A Changing World A

3 A Changing World Improvements in Textile Industry leads to other advances

4 A Changing World Coal and steam used to fuel railroads and steamships

5 A Changing World Urbanization leads to growth of cities

6 A Changing World By 1800s, workers in the same occupation began to join together and create Unions to press for reforms

7 A Changing World Labor unions were formed in response to harsh working conditions, child labor, and low pay.

8 A Changing World New Scientific Theories
French scientist, Marie Curie experiments with radioactivity Albert Einstein develops theory of relativity, which leads to atomic energy Sigmund Freud comes up with idea that sub-conscious drives human behavior

9 A Changing World Changes in Medicine
Louis Pasteur shows link between germs and disease Robert Koch discovers germs causes tuberculosis Joseph Lister proves germs cause infections Alexander Fleming discovers antibiotics (Penicillin) to fight germs

10 Focus 10/25 As the Industrial Era moved forward the arts and literature also began to change. New movements in creativity developed. Realist chose to point out the negative side of the Industrial Age, while Romantics sought an escape from the new reality that had formed. Points for Discussion: What were the negative aspects of the Industrial Revolution? Critical Lens: The Industrial Revolution saw a huge change in the lives of the working class. Term to Know: Idealism

11 A Changing World Romanticism – a movement in the arts and literature against Enlightenment and Industrial society

12 A Changing World Realism – a movement in the arts and literature that wanted to show the world the way it was, especially hardships of Industrial era

13 Charles Dickens was an author from Realism movement who wrote literature like Tale of Two Cities and Oliver Twist

14 A Changing World Romanticism vs. Idealism Romanticism Realism
Explain the difference in the topics of each piece of artwork. How does one represent idealism and the other Romanticism?

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