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Open Contracting and Fiscal Transparency.

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Presentation on theme: "Open Contracting and Fiscal Transparency."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Contracting and Fiscal Transparency.
Where do they meet? Encontrar imagen para el fondo

2 Open Contracting in the Fiscal Transparency Portal
April 2016, local governments contracts in open data. Today 72,000 contracts in open data In September 2016, the Ministry of Finance, through the Budget Decree commited to publish federal contracts data in open format. Information will be part of the fiscal transparency portal in April 2017. UNDER CONSTRUCTION

3 How we’re doing it…

4 1 Putting the pieces together Planning Tender Award Implementation

5 1 Putting the pieces together Planning Tender Open Fiscal Data Package
SICOP-available budget Award CompraNet Implementation CompraNet Auditing Open Fiscal Data Package SICOP (UCG) MIPPI (UI) SIAFF (TESOFE) Indicators API (PTP) Bitácora de obra pública

6 Keep in mind: There are different levels of Open Contracting information. Information might be across different systems and even ministries. 1 Putting the pieces together Planning Tender Open Fiscal Data Package SICOP- suficiencia presupuestaria Award CompraNet Implementation CompraNet Auditing Open Fiscal Data Package SICOP (UCG) MIPPI (UI) SIAFF (TESOFE) Bitácora de obra pública

7 + 2 Design Information with context Government programs
Investment projects + Filters & #OpenData with developers tools

8 2 Design Information with context Government programs Contracts

9 2 Design Information with context Investment projects Contracts

10 2 Filters

11 Iterative design process
3 Focus group They asked for: Generic filters Supplier profile Iterative design process

12 Redesign! 3 Focus group They asked for: Generic filters
Supplier profile Iterative design process




16 Investments system (MIPPI)
4 Linking the Open Fiscal Data Package with Open Contracting Planning Budget Tender Award Contract Spending Physical progress Review Budget system Fiscal data package: budget Fiscal data package: spend Airport systems (e.g) There are a number of projects / agencies with their own systems for managing information OCDS Data (manually entered) Spend system (SICOP) Compranet as OCDS: API and bulk data Custom OCDS publication (e.g. Airport; Carbon OCDS spending data releases FDP web services / URIs The budget package could be updated with line-item break-downs for funding allocated to contracts Linked by budget line-item identifier Linked by ocid Investments system (MIPPI)

17 4 Linking the Open Fiscal Data Package with Open Contracting
Using Open Contracting Data Standard extensions we integrate: Ministry +id Responsible unit +id Program id Disaggregation of Budget item in the same 4 columns as we have in the Open Fiscal Data Package

18 4 Linking the Open Fiscal Data Package with Open Contracting

19 TransparenciaPresupuestaria

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