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Increasing In Wisdom + Stature + Favor Lk 2:52

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1 Increasing In Wisdom + Stature + Favor Lk 2:52
Grow Like Jesus Lk 2:52 Increasing In Wisdom + Stature + Favor Lk 2:52

2 Increasing In Wisdom + Stature + Favor Lk 2:52
Grow Like Jesus Increasing In Wisdom + Stature + Favor Lk 2:52 The brief glimpses of Jesus’ youth are instructive: The attributes of His family are obvious. He Had A Devout Upbringing: [Lk 2:21-24, 39-40] His family pleased God by obedience. This included assembling for worship. [2:41] His father was a leader in the home. (Ex 12)

3 Increasing In Wisdom + Stature + Favor Lk 2:52
Grow Like Jesus Increasing In Wisdom + Stature + Favor Lk 2:52 He Had A Devout Upbringing: [2:39-40] The angel Gabriel said He’d be called: (1:21-35) (1) Jesus (2) Holy & (3) The Son of God He Had Divine Wisdom: [2:43-47] A fulfillment of [Isaiah 11:1-5] His Divine Priorities: [2:48-50] Yet He still submitted to them [2:51]. His Divine Favor kept increasing: [v52] So what happens next…?

4 Increasing In Wisdom + Stature + Favor Lk 2:52
Grow Like Jesus Increasing In Wisdom + Stature + Favor Lk 2:52 He Had A Devout Upbringing: [2:39-40] The angel Gabriel said He’d be called: (1:21-35) (1) Jesus (2) Holy & (3) The Son of God He Had Divine Wisdom: [2:43-47] He Had Divine Priorities: [2:48-50] He Had Divine Favor & kept increasing: [v52] So what happens next…? Mary was warned of the heartache [2:34] We’ll need endure like Him [12:49-53]

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