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What are Judaism and Christianity?

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Presentation on theme: "What are Judaism and Christianity?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are Judaism and Christianity?
Homework # 15 - Define Torah Prophet Moses Jesus Repent Messiah Martyr Missionaries 68

2 Judaism is the faith of the Jewish people.

3 It is based upon a compact between G-d and the ancient Israelites that is described in the Bible.

4 In return for worshiping Him only and obeying His laws, God promised special honor to the Jewish people and a homeland in Canaan (Palestine).

5 The first five books of the Bible are known as the Torah.

6 They describe the early history of the Israelites and the religious and ethical laws received by the prophet Moses at Mount Sinai.

7 The Torah teaches that man is made in G-d's image and is therefore uniquely precious.

8 It stresses that people have a commitment to obey the law and to work with God for the betterment of mankind.

9 Other books of the Bible describe the teachings of prophets who, acting as G-d's spokesmen, urged the Israelites to remain faithful to Him or be punished.

10 The Jews were driven from Palestine first by the Assyrians and Chaldeans, and then, following an unsuccessful rebellion in 132 C.E., by the Romans.

11 After this latter exile, communities of Jews were scattered around the Mediterranean and the Middle East.

12 But they continued to study the Torah in home and in special schools called yeshivas.

13 Between 200 and 500, learned rabbis wrote commentaries on the Torah.

14 The Talmud is a collection of these writings.

15 Jesus was a Jew who was raised in Palestine.

16 Jesus claimed that he was the son of G-d, and the followers of Jesus believed he was the messiah, the savior of the Jews.

17 This troubled Roman rulers who feared he might cause political unrest.

18 Accordingly, he was crucified in 33 C. E
Accordingly, he was crucified in 33 C.E.; but Christians believe that he rose from the dead after three days.

19 While Jesus lived, his followers were Jews who remained within Judaism.

20 After his death, the apostle Paul spread his message among gentiles.

21 He preached that G-d sent Jesus to bring salvation to mankind.

22 Paul preached to small Christian communities (after his death, Jesus was known as Christ) in the Mediterranean world; the apostle Peter allegedly set up a church in Rome.

23 Many Christians including Paul and Peter were martyred (killed for their beliefs).

24 But the faith became legal in the Empire in 322 and spread throughout Europe.

25 European missionaries later spread the teachings of Christianity through Asia, America, and other parts of the world.

26 Identify one belief shared by Judaism and Christianity.

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